What do you do before a game?


Work hard, stay humble
Level 6 Referee
Interested to see if anyone else has any little routines before a game, not when you arrive at the ground but before you leave the house?

For me, kit is packed the night before then in the morning I'll play a few games of FIFA (other sports games are available) and then eat before getting changed, knowing my luck I'll spill my lunch down my kit/shirt.
A&H International
For a Sat 3pm kick off, I usually go for a jog around the block to loosen off after I wake up, come back and shower and suit up (Barney Stinson style!) and then always a bacon sandwich in the morning of a Saturday 3pm kick off! I check the kit bag many, many times on Friday night/Saturday morning (paranoia setting in!)

Off out to pick up ARs as I always like to travel as a team when possible as it's great to build up relationships, and always aim to be at the ground for 1.30pm.

After the game, if we've travelled together, I usually take the team to a McDonalds (other fast-food restaurants are available!) for the post-match dissection over a cup of tea/coffee/hot chocolate, where we all talk about the brilliant performance we've just put in. Most of the time!

If I'm on the line then it can change, but I never concede the bacon sarnie
on a Sunday morning, 10:30ko ... I generally wake up around 8 ... stick FIFA on, play a couple of games - quick shower, kit on (can never guarantee a changing room) banana eaten on route to the ground - arriving around 10am

on an afternoon kick off, its very much the same except its suited, to the ground an hour prior and usually have a sandwich before I leave home and a banana when I arrive at the ground
I meticulously check all my kit the night before. The only thing I tend to do on match day is I'll spend 20-30 mins doing a few of the online referee LOTG quizzes prior to leaving, just to tune my brain in to what's ahead. This is the one I use. Some of them really get you thinking. :)