Poor Pitch Markings


Politically Incorrect
Played an U18 Ladies game this afternoon on a terrible pitch.

Was quite grassy and held together ok, but the markings were awful.

It's on a large public park where there's about 6 pitches and usually pretty good, but today's pitch markings were practically none-existent.

There were even many places where you couldn't see where the grass had previously died from being painted (although not many).

I asked the CAR's to really concentrate given the state of the pitch and be clear with flags, mentioned it to both managers and asked the home manager to complain about the pitch markings, which I said I will also send a quick email to back up his thoughts.

Anybody any other tips/thoughts?
A&H International
Yes.....don't start the game!

If the markings are so poor as to represent a serious detriment to the game....I would be considering calling the game off.
Only other thing would be to mention it to the captains at the coin toss and be clear up front as to which way you'll be giving the benefit of any doubt (In or Out of play rather than favouring which team :)). That's what I've done with similar situations like overhead wires, overhanging trees etc. That way there can be no complaints after the event .. allegedly!!

As for calling the game off because of it ... :rolleyes::rolleyes:
As it happens it was never an issue at any point with any call.

Although certainly not ideal, I'm pleased the girls made no fuss and just enjoyed a competitive game of football (as usual).