Funny incident

Chris Smith

I have only done 4 games in the centre and I came across something I didn't know how to deal with it so I am wondering what you would do if you came across this.

It went like this,
A tackle happened that didn't need a card just a chat to say next time you're in the book and a few more chosen words. well not even 1 minute had passed and the ball went out of play and as I signaled for a throw in the same player I just warned ran straight in to my arm for behind me, I was under the impression he did this with intent. So I ignored him and about 5 seconds later he said sorry ref.

I personally didn't know how to deal with this situation and thought he did it to get his own back on me in his own way. Should it of been a caution for C1 and continue with the throw or did I do right? I am sure I should of done something.

What would you have done in this situation? I need to be clear for if this was to happen again.

A&H International
Happened to me a couple of weeks back, open play I was running in straight line and attacker just crashed into me. I was gonna let it go, but attacker came back up with a f**k off ref.... Red and back in changing room. Game started 3 minutes before this.
As for your incident, I would have given him benefit of doubt and just let him know in no uncertain terms, he is cruising for a lemon...
Should it of been a caution for C1 and continue with the throw or did I do right? I am sure I should of done something.

Trust your gut.

It's hard to advise either way from this type of situation without being there, but if you say you thought you should have done something, it would suggest you felt it worth a caution.

Experience in situations like this will help you act without second guessing yourself 'is this the right thing to do?', but if you suspect there's even the slightest bit of this incident that isn't accidental it warrants at least a caution.

Remember dissent is word OR ACTION, a piece players tend to forget.

Of course you'll get the usual b/s from the player but if you felt it done to undermine you the players who also saw it will know that and accept the caution for the player concerned - whether they admit it or not.
If he's ran from behind you into your arm....he must have seen your arm outstretched.....

Red and early bath.....