Timed it perfectly...


Politically Incorrect
I beat myself up about the smallest of things, but I must admit I worked one stepped approach perfectly today, and I'm really pleased about it...

U18 girls game today, generally as straightforward as it gets - done some 20 odd games in this league and never shown a card.

This one started very much the same, but started to keep a watch on red 16 who had gone strongly (but fairly) into a few tackles, and committed 2 careless fouls.

Third careless comes and she gets a verbal warning to watch her conduct.

Half time comes and I remember thinking to myself during the break to keep a watch on her - she's at the centre of all the aggro of both teams both for and against.

She commits another careless foul right in front of the spectators gathered on one touch line. Foul given, I shout her captain over towards the corner flag (I.e. away from the majority of speccys on the touch line) and give her a final warning that she has committed a number of fouls and already been warned once, any more and she risks a caution.

She was quiet for the next 15 minutes, then sure enough comes another foul, again in front of the speccys. Up come the shouts of 'how many ref' from speccys and players, and I invite her over to collect her caution.

Afterwards her manager came over and congratulated me on a great game, and told me how disappointed he was in the caution. I thought 'here we go', but he went on to say how disappointed he was in the player given the number of clear warnings.
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A&H International
Sounds like you should have given it earlier IMO.

Think I would have to agree with this as well. From the way you described it the player made 5 careless fouls before seeing a yellow card. Agree with the warning after her 3rd but why not caution after her next foul? If I warn a player thats it.....they don't get two warnings. Although if that approach works for you then fair play.
I don't know bout that.....if you were always going to warn somebody after 2 fouls then you'd be warning every player on the pitch, and carding half of them. PI isn't that 'strict'. You take into consideration the nature of the fouls, the match involvement of the player (a defender when her team are winning 10-0 is going to come across the ball far less than a midfielder in a more even match). I think even after a warning, if there's a fair time before the next foul, especially if it's fairly minor, then there's scope to not necessarily caution them.
@RegalRef I suppose you really have to be there, and know the temp of the game etc

but judging it on my patience levels this season !!

Probably warning at 2, card at 3, Captain and a dressing down at 4 and bath time at 5 ......if she is the only player banging fouls in ? she is drawing attention to herself .....doesn't matter mate if you think you got it right that's what counts ...as you were there !!! :D