Theoretical question

What action?

  • Penalise 1st offense- PK and Red Card

    Votes: 21 75.0%
  • Penalise 2nd offense- PK and Red Card

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • Penalise both - 2 red cards and PK

    Votes: 2 7.1%

  • Total voters


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Bit of a weird one but what would you do in this situation?
A shot is taken at goal, a defender on the goal line handles the ball, the val rebounds to an attacker who shoots, another defender again handles the ball. What action is taken?
A&H International
I would say that advantage is being played after the first handball. If the attacker it rebounded to had put the ball in the net you would not send them off as they did not deny a goal so I would use the same logic here. When the second handball occurs that is now the one which has denied a goal so would give penalty and send off the second offender but would also caution the first offender for deliberate handball
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No such thing as advantage in the box (well there is...) but you're also missing what I would actually do, which is penalise for the first foul with a red card and a penalty (DOGSO) and caution player number two for unsporting behaviour/handball [delete as appropriate] (assuming the handball was overtly deliberate)
Just and off on to my answer. I would only wait for the second shot if they had a very obvious chance of scoring. If they didn't then I would blow straight away for a penalty and then send off the first offender.
If you're determining that the both handlings denied obvious goal scoring opportunities, then you must caution the first and dismiss the second.

The Laws (Q&A, plus instruction actually) indicate that if a player commits DOGSO-H and then a second player scores "directly", then the offending player is only to be cautioned.

Taking that logic here and applying it to the situation at hand:
Attacker A shoots, Defender A commits DOGSO-H. Ball falls to Attacker B who shoots at goal, Defender B commits DOGSO-H.

At this point, you've now played "advantage" (whether you signalled it or not), and were the goal not denied by Defender B's handling, then you'd have the situation described above. So... dismiss Defender B, caution Defender A, penalty kick.
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Don't dilly dally hoping a player will dig you out of making a tough call. Blow the whistle immediately after the first offence, make the big decision, award the penalty and dismiss for DOGSO.
i would be inclined to blow quickly in this situation just incase the striker fluffs his "advantage" over the bar or past the post due to the other players in the area.
Personally for me after the first, unless the ball fell to an attacker who literally had an open goal and he did score I'd be blowing, give the pen and red for DOGSO.

If it did somehow get as far as the situation quoted though, I'd be blowing and pen, red for first DOGSO, caution for second and tell him he's incredibly lucky.
Don't dilly dally hoping a player will dig you out of making a tough call. Blow the whistle immediately after the first offence, make the big decision, award the penalty and dismiss for DOGSO.

Each situation is different though.

I had one towards the back end of last season. Player goes round the keeper with a defender who's got back on the line and makes a shot, the defender dives and saves it. A few years ago I would have blew my whistle straight away, but I waited 2 seconds and the striker tapped it in with the defender lying face down thinking how stupid he was.

I gave the goal and cautioned the defender.
Each situation is different though.

I had one towards the back end of last season. Player goes round the keeper with a defender who's got back on the line and makes a shot, the defender dives and saves it. A few years ago I would have blew my whistle straight away, but I waited 2 seconds and the striker tapped it in with the defender lying face down thinking how stupid he was.

I gave the goal and cautioned the defender.
Correct about every situation being different but 2 seconds is a very long time
If you play advantage and he scores, you then only caution the defender and the attacking team have the goal, but would it not be more of an advantage to blow the whistle, send off the defender and award the penalty? Defending team now have to play remainder of game with a man less and the attacking team have a penalty to possibly score a goal.
Imaging the attacking team's response if the defender who handled on the line but wasn't sent off goes up for the next corner and heads in the winner.