

Wished I started this when I was younger
Level 7 Referee
. I've Got a question about hesitating though, I sometimes see something and put my whistle to my lips but then think no that's fine and don't blow. I got picked up on that by a couple of players last night to which i told them to stop watching me and play to the whistle. Should I go with my first gut instinct or am I right to change my mind if I think so. Sorry it's long winded ha ha
A&H International
The whistle twitch! Even the best of us do that.

I just laugh it off if a player notices with a simple "moving the whistle is not blowing the whistle!" :D

Of course I prefer not to do it, but sometimes you anticipate something happening which doesn't.
I like the 'Stop watching me' line! :D Bringing the whistle to your mouth and not blowing can cause you some grief though - it's a habit that's tough to break. In your next game, try consciously telling yourself not to do it. Give yourself that extra second to decide whether you're going to penalise the incident or not, then bring the whistle to your mouth if you've made up your mind you're going to blow. Taking the extra second can also help avoid blowing for a foul too soon, when the team would have benefited from playing advantage!
This often attracts the comment "you thought about it" to which I reply "of course I did, that's why I didn't blow"
It also sometimes attracts the question "make a decision ref?!?!?"

Which of course, attracts the same answer, I did, no infringement, get on with it.
@padiman - this is one habit you need to break quickly. Nothing looks more indecisive than this to players, they will notice and get on your back about it.

Also if you go for promotion, your assessors will spot it, comment on it and list as a development point.

It can be difficult, but only lift your whistle when you want to blow - you have all the time in the world to make the quick decision, refereeing is not "fastest whistle first".