whole game system friendly matches

happy whistler

Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Has anyone managed to use this system for friendly games. I followed instructions from manual by selecting other competition and then friendly. When I typed in teams they could not be found even though they are on system. I can key in as if a league game which does work but is not correct as this was a friendly.
A&H International
I just gave this a whirl to log a pre-season friendly from earlier in the month (no cautions etc). It worked okay.

The key is to be patient when you enter a fragment of the team name for it to search on. e.g. type 'Manches' then wait while the pointer spins round for about 5 seconds, then it will display the possible matches for that team name. Don't hit submit or anything at that point - just wait!
I had the same question from @padiman at the weekend and patience is the key. It took me 3 attempts to get WGS to find one of the teams he was looking for but using Other Competitions and the first 3 letters of the clubs name can work.
Thanks for your help. I have now managed to submit. Key was just typing a few letters and then waiting for list of options. I was keying in whole name of teams in exactly as was eventually found on the WGS but it was saying could not find teams !
Does anyone know what sql timeout error means, I keep getting it
SQL is a database. Basically it means the FA database is poorly designed and it's taking longer than the systems default time to lookup the data.
Given up trying now and sent a hard copy in to county
Well finally got it in there but now won't send .. Phone call to county