The Ref Stop

Open Age "Not exactly Ruud Gullit are you, mate!"


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Last Saturday, had this said to a black player by a white player, in jest. It was taken in the right spirit by the player. All three of us had a laugh and we moved on.
Technically, is this a racist comment? Had the bloke taken offence on the basis that it is a reference to his colour, would that have been liable for a red card?
The Ref Stop
He's hardly discriminating him is he? It's just like someone saying to myself (i'm white) 'you're hardly David Beckham'. Where do you draw the line between being overly politically correct and judging someone to be racist?
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He's hardly discriminating him is he? It's just like someone saying to myself (i'm white) 'you're hardly David Beckham'. Where do you draw the line for being overly politically correct and racist?
Agree and I would never take issue with it.
It was just the first time I had ever heard any sort of comment like that, set me thinking.