Initial Infringement


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Forgot to caution for the initial foul tackle, a foul that led to a mass confrontation with two cautions for AA and one Sending off for S2... Feel gutted now, was that caught up in sorting out the retaliations! Was on my own (no Ar's) and prioritised remembering the colours, numbers and card colours whilst trying to split up players.
A&H International
Well, in my opinion, you just have to report it to the CFA, along with a good appology, and an explaination of what the circumstances were. I'm a ref in the US, but I'm aware that, possibly, a mass confrontation needs to be reported or included in your match report.
Easy mistake to make, don't beat yourself up - just try to learn from it in the future. It's only a yellow card, nothing major.
It's only a yellow. Sod that. The red and the MC are far more inportant. Easy sell: it was a careless tackle, not a reckless one. Quality bullshit.