Clean and ready to go......


Got a match this Sunday weather looks favourable,kit clean and ready to go well been like it for two weeks as last weeks match got called off.One less chore to do i suppose,but still keen as ever....:)
A&H International
I always have a clean kit and boots in my car. You never know when they may be needed. A couple of years back I went to watch a friend who referee in a Leicestershire Senior League game. One of his assistants called him 30 minutes before kick off saying he had broke down and would not be able to get there. I was asked if I could help, and of course was happy to. "What about your kit," said the referee. I told him I always had a spare kit with me, so instead of watching, I participated.
The ref I was with at the weekend said that level 4's round here are told that if they go to a non-league game, take their kit in case an official goes down and there's no 4th official!
When I was a player I would clean my boots every weekend after matches. That habit has not left me, I will even give them a little clean after Saturday ready for Sunday or use my second pair of boots.
When I check studs it is obvious players rarely take as much pride in their appearance as we do as their boots are caked in mud from weeks ago.
I was at the LCFC academy the other week, and the referee got out a pair of boots that were caked in mud. He said he had not had chance to clean them since his last game. To me that was not good enough, it does not take long to clean even the dirtiest of boots. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and that is why officials should arrive smartly dressed, and have clean uniform and boots. This chap let himself and his fellow officials down, and I told him so.