What do you spend your match fees on?


Politically Incorrect

I tend to stick all mine in a jar and it comes in handy for treats for the family like days out, a takeaway etc.

What do you do with yours?
A&H International
I don't referee for the money, i just get a great deal of enjoyment of refereeing... so the money i give to my wife so thats my second enjoyment because it keeps her happy too.... i call it double bubble.....
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More serious than my previous answer, i just tend to fritter it away on the kids. And take away food sometimes.
And the award for most under the thumb answer goes to @mikedn ;)

For me as I do the cooking in our house if I get home on a Sunday and I can't be bothered to cook it'll be a takeaway. Otherwise it goes on food shopping for the week. Extremely boring!
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:) i tread carefully after years of experience in the minefield of saying the "wrong thing" when the missus finds out that is
On the basis most of my fees are £20 something

I put £10 into my season ticket fund (West London team that play in hoops!) , £10 in the bank account and the rest I give to Mrs PP to squander on things like bread & milk!;)
I put mine in to my magic money pot. I say its magic, because I keep putting money in and not taking any out, yet it always seems to be empty.
Kit, PS4 Games and expensive habits (all legal might i add! :p ) then the rest seems to just vanish into thin air...
100% going towards driving lessons at the moment. Will be with it when I can drive to games though.