3rd assessment


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
game confirmed on thursday, assessment confirmed today, game cancelled this evening....oh pooh!
A&H International
Away team couldn't raise a team

The joys of half term holidays, perhaps, or inadequate squad size
Finally had my third assessment today.

Shall we just say that I've had better games

Time will tell :foot:
It happens. Best thing you can do coming away from it is to learn from your mistakes.

Do you guys get to chat with the assessors post-match? If so, and you can identify the things that went wrong (and explain why you think they went wrong), that's definitely a step in the right direction for your personal improvement, no matter how bad things actually did go in that game.
Had a good chat, post match, with the assessor....who also mentored my first ever game.

interestingly, he thought that refs should have a good three seasons behind them before going for promotion...at oddscwith the county f.a. who encourage refs to go for promotion much sooner
I had a chat yesterday with a more senior referee and he had similar thoughts about promotion and progression.

He was of the belief that you need a good 5 years before you are really ready to be middle in anything beyond grass roots.

After some thought, I agree with him.
For what it's worth, I think they've got the balance about right. As it stands (in my county at least), you need two full seasons under your belt before the possibility of reffing at L6 arrives and then another season to get to L5. By that point you might well have officiated around 100 matches and been assesessed 10 times .. plenty of opportunity to learn lots of key lessons and demonstrate whether (or not) you have the capabilities required to be a Senior County Referee.

Then again, having taken up the whistle a little later in life, maybe I'm biased ;)
The FA requires that you complete one full season as a registered level 7 before you apply for promotion however a lot of Counties overlook this if they feel the referee has potential. Believe it or not you can pick out who will make it and who won't, on the Basic Course quite a lot of the time. I believe that referees should referee a certain number of games in open age before going for promotion and that it should include Sunday morning football, not just Saturdays, as well as taking on the role of Assistant regularly. The current figures of 20 middles and 5 lines encourage referees to put in the minimum effort and then have an unrealistic expectation in terms of progression. Some do their 5 lines, then refuse to do any more. Some referee their 20 middles, then refuse to do any more in case they harm their marks (although a number do this at higher levels as well).
dont blame the player, blame the game.
Totally agree @SM

If criteria are put in place which encourage such behaviour, then it comes as no surprise when it is exploited.It should also be noted that such behaviour is noted and monitored by those involved in selection of promotion candidates :)
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Totally agree @SM

If criteria are put in place which encourage such behaviour, then it comes as no surprise when it is exploited.It should also be noted that such behaviour is noted and monitored by those involved in selection of promotion candidates :)

do they take into account all the confirmed and then cancelled games too, i wonder
Brian I find myself nodding in agreement to nearly everything you post.

Surely if a referee refuses games after completing the bare minimum then his promotion should be seriously reviewed, I believe that is the case in my district. We also attended a pre-promotion meeting with our district RDO who "advised" any referee who has gone from 7-6 then 6-5 they would like them to have at least a season at 5 before applying again. Having said that I was told that the County would be writing to certain referee's to invite them to apply for 4. Don't know if I will receive that letter and don't know what I would do if I did, needless to say if I don't then I will have my season at level 5 and learn more and more.