Mark Heywood (Wigan vs Bmth)

Steve C

The Unfit one!
At the Wigan v Bmth game today, the ref had a shocker to be honest, 2 footed challenges were going in and he was letting them go etc. Head injury to bmth player, play stops, restart with drop ball and bmth had to kick it back to wigan, he booted it out for a throw in (despite being 30 yds from goal) and cue fight from Wigan and the player that got spoken to by the ref was the bmth player! Hes entitled to do that, hes given it them back. Poor day for him i have to say, got a lot wrong.
A&H International
I'll let Mark know next time I see him. He's one of those referees who will gladly admit if he's had a bad game. Also hilarious on and off the field.
There was a penalty shout early in the first half for bmth, he didnt have a great view but i thought his AR would have given a helping hand. I just thought he let too much go in my opinion, but then gave very soft free kicks, just wasnt much consistancy to be honest, im not too fussed tho, i dont have beef with him or anything, just felt a little inconsistent which was frustrating, especially when it was squeaky bum time for us haha!
Saw a penalty claim but it was in the 2nd half. Looked like the player picked his feet up in real time. On the replay the push was more evident
Not very respectful IMO Steve. Yes, he may have had a 'shocker' but doesn't give you ground to publicly humiliate him. Use his performance to predict why he is wrong, and what could have been done differently.

I am sure that you have had shockers too... We all have... All you can do is learn from them.
'Publicly humiliate him'


Bournemouth fan in 'ref's had a shocker' scandal

Whatever next!
Actually Haywain, a Bournemouth fan, who happens to also be a ref, in "Ref's had a shocker" moan. Have to side with drahc here, that's a little bit disrepectful to do that as fellow officials. The next post did clarify things though.

We all get bad days at the offices, to be fair.
Watching my beloved liverpool on tv I will often have a first reaction through the red tinted lenses of my own biases. The rational referee part of my brain then kicks in and overrules it!

The wife finds it funny. Goes like this; First reaction is "that's fuffing bojangles you useless excuse for a referee, although on the other hand good positioning and okay yes it was a good call."

Ah, don't you just love those tinted glasses!

Every football fan, myself included, is guilty of this. I've lost count of the amount of times I've gone mad at the game and then my referee head has kicked in watching the highlights.
I think when watching refs doing your own team, you pick up on every little thing whereas a neutral will see things differently IMO
There may be a slight bias in there but the main things I pointed out eg the pen, the drop ball and tackles (from both teams) are things that I disagreed with. We had every right to put it out for their throw, it should have been a pen and the performance was inconsistent against both teams
Sometimes young grasshopper, it is better to take a deep breath and let it simply wash over you.

Plenty more "crap" referee performances to come for bmth before the end of the season. :cool:
I used to think we always had bad referees at Donny games but since earning my L7 stripes, I don't think that anymore. They might make a mistake occasionally (who doesn't?) but on the whole they're excellent. Sadly, some other Donny fans still think otherwise and I don't think we're any different to other teams.
I spend my time shaking my head at the ineptitude of Aston Villa - they're more shocking than anything that any referee can do. And yes, I include the infamous "flamboyant" referee in that.