How long left ref? Plus how much added time?

I'm with Morten, although I have a 2nd (normal) watch as well as back up.

I don't stop the main count up watch unless severe injury. If a close match and team leading start delaying things in added time, I will stop watch then.

Added time is calculated by estimate. I used to stop/start watch as per OP and have found I get FAR less queries about added time now I estimate it!

If asked I always answer x minutes plus added time. If I get the query in added time I will say how long is left.
A&H International
Casio RFT on left wrist, counts down from 45. Start at kick off and don't touch it until HT or FT. Garmin on right wrist that starts on kick off and only gets stopped for serious injuries or lengthy stoppages (twice in my 2.5 years I've had to do this). System has worked so far
Have a stop watch in my pocket and a wrist watch counting down.

If asked I loudly shout "I am the sole arbitrator of time. We'll play however long I want to play." I then look up at the sky to reflect on the power of my words.

*the above may or may not be true and I may or may not actually say "x plus any additional I see fit"*

I'm terrible with added time though. I tend to give 1 or 2 minutes. If a team has deliberately taken things slowly then ill add 4 ish. I always run over though as I convince myself far too often that I can't blow due to an attacking opportunity.
i have on one occasion a player hit the ball as i blew the whistle for full time,it flew into the goal and he said to me"That was a goal ref" i replied "it was,but after the whistle so it don't count" I dont wait for the progress of play to blow my whistle 45 minutes is 45 minutes and i will blow my whistle.......
That sounds like a bad idea. Blowing the whistle as someone shoots? Asking for trouble. Begging, in fact.
whistle in mouth 0.00000002 secs away from blowing as he struck the ball........ ball not hit,not in flight dead on the floor
Don't put the whistle near your mouth until the ball is cleared by a defender or put out of play. Then you know you are safe to blow.
Yup I always wait till it's obviously not going to cause trouble. Even at the weekend in a cup game the team leading 2-1 had cleared the ball from the corner and we're breaking as the losing teams goalie came up. They'd literally just hoofed it out their box so I blew for full time. Cue them moaning they would have broken to score. Couple of spectators saying I should have given them ten more seconds. It bemused me really as they went through regardless, it's not like winning 3-1 would have made a difference!
Yup I always wait till it's obviously not going to cause trouble. Even at the weekend in a cup game the team leading 2-1 had cleared the ball from the corner and we're breaking as the losing teams goalie came up. They'd literally just hoofed it out their box so I blew for full time. Cue them moaning they would have broken to score. Couple of spectators saying I should have given them ten more seconds. It bemused me really as they went through regardless, it's not like winning 3-1 would have made a difference!

... the player going through to score the 3rd could have been on a Big Mac* goal bonus - you could have played a bit longer and got some chips out of it :)

* other burgers are available - personally I like the Quarter pounder with cheese ...
Truth be told @Alex71 the pitch was proper boggy in the middle, meaning it was like running through treacle. So I couldnt be bothered to sprint through that only for them to blast it wide! Plus the goal the ball was cleared from my bag was behind, so saved me another journey!
If you haven't differentiated between time and stoppage time, then if anybody asks for the stoppage specifically after giving the time, just say 'that includes stoppage'. Bear in mind you can't report accurately if you don't know your stoppage time though.
One counting up, one down. Never stop either, just made mental notes during the game and add on what feels right for the game .

I.e if there's been quite a few stoppages and its not a close encounter in not playing any stoppage, where as if it's close and competitive they will have what I feel is the correct amount of time.

Only ever really stop it if there is a major stoppage.