How well do you think you know other members refereeing style?


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
Following another thread of mine, @haywain made a comment about my style being fairly liberal with juniors. Not something is disagree with. However from the questions people ask and the responses how well do you think you know other forum members refereeing style? Do you think you can spot the super strict ones from those that let everything slide. Or do you think there are secretly some members that talk a good game but not seeing it through.

There's certainly a couple of people on here that I think have fantastic knowledge of the lotg.

This isn't a chance for others to bash each other, I'm just wondering if you paint a picture of others in your mind. Actually we could buck the Internet trend and actually be nice about each other!
A&H International
Of course we all do.

To use @haywain as an example (just because you did). I tend to believe he uses the forum whilst dressed only in stained underwear sat in front of his computer, with crisp dipping sauce dribbling down his hirsute chest as he paws at the keyboard....

Oh, of course you meant while he is refereeing...

I imagine him to be very fair ref. Applying the LOTG with a good dollop of common sense where he can, bit of a sense of humour whilst getting the job done. No dribbling crisp sauce in sight! :D
Of course we all do.

To use @haywain as an example (just because you did). I tend to believe he uses the forum whilst dressed only in stained underwear sat in front of his computer, with crisp dipping sauce dribbling down his hirsute chest as he paws at the keyboard....

Oh, of course you meant while he is refereeing...

I imagine him to be very fair ref. Applying the LOTG with a good dollop of common sense where he can, bit of a sense of humour whilst getting the job done. No dribbling crisp sauce in sight! :D

In fairness SM your one of the members that I think has a really good grasp of the LOTG, I would have mentioned it in the opening post, but for some reason I can never @ tag you! haha! Still least that way you keep your notifications down a bit!
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I'd have @Padfoot as a very firm but fair ref, sticking very closely to the laws, well respected by players because of his consistency but not for his leniency (or rather lack of ;) ). I would also expect him to be the sort of person to find someone to talk to before the match with the conversation soon turning to CFA's :)