My pet hate: "You not havin a word ref?"


RefChat Addict
This grinds my gears.
A player is fouled with the force of a homicidal butterfly.
The FK is given and it is no more than that but the player has to splurt out "you not having a word ref?"
I really have to bite my tongue.
I could understand if they were saying "that was a YC/RC"

My responce is usually just "nope" before running off.
What do y'all say/do?
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A&H International
I like it when a player says something like "that was never a freekick." No aggression or anything. Someone will always pipe up with "you going to let him speak to you like that?" As if the player had just insulted my entire family with the foulest of language.
if a player says are you not having a word ref, say come here then and if you want me to do anymore i can easily show YOU a yellow card so shut it
I don't even dignify it with a response most of the time, not sure what players are expecting me to say:

"Oh, sorry. I'll do just that, thanks for reminding me." :rolleyes:
I had this one once
"Yes, with you now" and then basically explain to him that when I give him a free kick he'll need to shut the hell up
Had an incident just before Christmas where last couple of mins a player who i spoke to earlier in the game went in for a slide tackle, missed the ball and player with first leg, but due to frustration he brought his second leg round to make sure he catches the players knee, (this got a few 'ooh's from parents before silence fell) so I blow my whistle for the free kick then a couple more times to summon the culprit and as I finish my third whistle pair to summon him, I looked to where I could take his name away from others and I glance to my left to see the manager of the fouled player halfway on the pitch shouting at ME saying 'F***ING HELL REF THATS A F***ING DISGRACE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THAT! ITS DISGRACEFUL!'. So i was just like:

So I said to the player concerned stay there (about 15 yards away from the nearest person) and do not move one inch until I come to deal with you, and went over to the assistant manager I believe he was and just said 'that was unnecessary, you could see I was about to deal with it so im sending you away and will be reporting to the league, (cue mums 'aww no you cant do that, its not his fault, its just who he is and that was an awful challenge' to which i was tempted to respond, 'ok ill let the other lad off the hook to because hes passionate about the game' but I bit my lip) and then proceeded over to the player, who fair enough, hadnt moved one inch and I reached for my red and pencil and said, whats your name mate, joe bloggs etc. that was a very poor challenge and I think you know that and the intent you put in there so Im dismissing you for SFP and off he popped.

Ahh those games eh
halfway on the pitch shouting at ME saying 'F***ING HELL REF THATS A F***ING DISGRACE WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT THAT! ITS DISGRACEFUL!'. So i was just like:

Getting himself a fine before he's even seen what action you're gonna take?!!?
I don't understand how these people afford to stay in the game!
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Next stoppage, call em over. I do not think that warrented a talking to, nor a card. But I do think that your comments do, so here we are. I said I dont taken being shouted at, and this is your only warning.

Normally preceeded by hand into right pocket as we are coming together so that should he want to give anything back - out it comes, he had a warning and kept going.

taken to the quiet bit and make and example of them...