Flag early for offsides


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Twenty minutes or so into a game this morning where I'm acting as CAR. Had given three offsides where I had waited for the player to interfere with play before flagging. Heard one or two comments from far side of pitch about late flags. Even one of my own team's parents was saying the same.

Ref came over and asked me to flag them earlier. He said that he understood what I was doing but 'they don't understand'

I accepted his instruction and flagged a couple of offsides which were clearly not as per the lotg. Not a murmur.

At half-time, ref checked if everything was o.k. I said that I wasn't happy flagging for offsides which weren't offside offences.

He said, I appreciate that but you are following my instructions

I said that I was happy to follow his instructions but that I wasn't used to referees asking me not to apply the lotg where offside was concerned.

I am planning to query this with county

Oh....the guy is a mentor......demente...r more like
A&H International
What an odd situation. The joys of working with (or being) a CAR.

The only thing I can think is that he is not used to having CARs who know the laws of the game.

Still bizarre
I wasn't entirely surprised given that his restart for my team's keeper clearing the ball from his hands outside the area was to let him have another go

U18's league