Anthony Taylor !!!!


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Ref had a Cracking game tonight , Hardly put a foot wrong , and I hope the managers give him a bit of credit in their post match interviews !!!(not) even the 50/50 ones were spot on tonight

Well done Mr Taylor
A&H International
Agreed. He had a great game.
Niall Quinn also proving further that pundits haven't got a clue. He was certain it was a penalty for the handball. It definitly wasn't
That was one of the Dumbest comments I have heard in a while from a pundit !!

Not since the legendary pundit Michael Owen said a few weeks ago in I think the Man U Yeovil game ??

when the young lad for Man U mis controlled the ball in defence with no player witin 20 yards of him and it bounced up and hit his hand

The Legend commented " hes lucky the ref didn't see that , otherwise he could be off " or some similar ridiculous tool like comment !!

They are getting worse :eek:
I sooooo wanted to punch the TV!! How can you give a penalty where the player has clearly turned his back seconds before!! " he's a good professional" "he knows what he has done" shut up you fool!!

Notice on the penalty that was given he didn't commit to saying yes or no until there was about 15 replays, even then I don't recall him giving a 100% answer.
Unfortunately it's not all down to the pundits......the referees need to take their portion of the blame for awarding handballs for what are in 98% of the cases accidental.....but because someone 'gains an advantage' or 'the arm wasn't in a natural position' or other suitable feeble excuses they cave into player expectation and award the FK.

If they just grew a bigger pair and waved play on....then we wouldn't have so much absolute cobblers spouted about handball.

IN MY OPINION...........in case our international friend wades into this debate as well......;)
This doesn't just apply to the Taylor game, watching motd last night the number of times you see pundits and commentators saying "yes, Definately touched a hand/arm! That has to handball!?!? How did the referee miss that!!?! What terrible refereeing!?!" Is remarkably sad.

I was going to post this in the match incidents thread, but seems relevant to this: Trying to explain to a numpty during my game yesterday that there is no offence of "handball" as such just because he smashed a ball at someone and it hit the fellas hand. Gave up in the end, weighed up his reaction and just gave him a caution instead for dissent (it was earned in that he had gone well beyond asking a question and was just plain arguing). After he had calmed and accepted the caution, I was a little bit cheeky in adding "even if one of them (opponents) picks up the ball and runs with it like its a rugby ball, from now on you would be sensible to stay quiet and let one of your team mates shout for it!" - "you are joking ref?"

"Yes. Probably." Big smile. Did the trick. No furrher problems from the player. (Note - while it is a part of the referees toolbox, using humour on a football pitch if misjudged can backfire spectacularly. Use with caution!)

So back to my point; A case of players seeing misinformed pundits on tv and trotting out the same rubbish during their own games. A cascading effect of misinformation. :confused:
Thought he had an excellent game.

Don't even get me started on pundits and the handball rule, absolutely clueless.
This is one of my biggest gripes that in the prem handball is given so often. One ref that was better at this was Poll. He used to wave away a good few. Got questioned a lot as a result though.

In my games if I give an accidental hand ball (in my early days), there were never ANY complaints. Shows how backwards the understanding is