Beginning to wonder if I'm cursed??


Politically Incorrect
Not having much luck with fixtures recently.

Last game before Christmas was 21st December. Called off as one of the teams resigned from the league in protest over a disciplinary matter.

Had two lined up for today, the ladies game for the afternoon was cancelled on Friday due to one side unable to put a team out.
Very heavy frost overnight meant the pitch inspection (which was very funny as it happens) resulted in me deciding we couldn't play.

Just to rub salt into the wound I get home to check next weeks fixtures to find it involves the team who resigned before Christmas!

Frustrated to say the least!!
A&H International
Turned up an hour before kick off with both teams all there and waiting for inspection on car park. Introduce myself and instantly met by home team manager's opening gambit 'hi ref, don't think we'll be playing today.'

Away manager gives an instant reply of 'seems ok to us ref'. (Away team play home games about half a mile away, so they haven't exactly come a long way)

As we walk onto the grass I ask the home manager which pitch we're on (there's 6) and he says nobody else on any of the others so we can take our pick.

As I walk to the first pitch I can see its white over in thick frost, can't see any lines or where one pitch ends and the next starts. There's a single empty deck chair in one goal mouth.

My curiosity got the better of me so I asked who's it was. 'Mine ref' comes a voice. 'Was just monitoring any changes in the pitch ref'. Cue stifled laughter from all concerned.

Moving on I give the old key in the ground check that nearly comes through the back of my hand its so hard. Inside I'm thinking 'no way' but I'm also disappointed. As soon as the home manager sees the key come out he comes over and asks what I think to which I reply '50-50'.

He says '50-50? 50-50?? ' Then starts on a rant about the condition of the pitch, how his players are coming back from injuries blah blah blah then finishes with 'in what way is it 50-50?'

I came back with a well timed curt reply that still makes me chuckle now: 'I haven't made my mind up yet'

Started to look at the next pitch which was largely the same, as was the next. Giving up and walking to the first pitch where the rest of the players were a voice from the crowd pipes up 'we could play on that bottom pitch down there, that's closest to the sun'. Sharp as a tack another voice read my mind: - 'mate the sun is 93 million miles away, 200 yards ain't gonna make a difference'.

Cue final rapturous laughter.:D

My final input was 'sorry chaps, we can't play this it's too dangerous.Lets reschedule and have a proper good game later in the season.'

Was just a funny event from start to finish :D
I love the twoing and throwing you get. You always seem to get one team bang up on it and the other ones saying "never in a million"