Junior/Youth Cup Final!


Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Yes it was my local youth league u7s cup final but there were about 200 people watching and every goal was roared home! Finished 4-3 but would have been a penalty shoot out if not for a mistake by a player in the last 5 seconds! Got lots of thank yous from parents and then presented the trophy as the league official didn't turn up!

What a buzz reffing in front of so many people! Can't wait for the next one!
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A&H International
This is the first and only time that small childrens parents will congratulate you.

"Small Children Parents" in my book are worse than most players on the field.

But well done on having a cracking game!
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I got more well dones from the losing side's supporters than the winning team! I have had one parent worthy of a misconduct report but I think thanks to my age and height (31 and 6'2") and having been a teacher for 8 years dealing with small children and parents I've been pretty fortunate so far.