New Ref Questions

Karl J.

New Member
Hi guys, I will have my first game this sunday, but i have some questions :)

1. How exactly and when do you check players equipment? Do you come near every player and ask him to show his hands for rings, bracelets etc.

2. I was following some games in my local park and I noticed a lot of players playing with glasses, what should I do? Probably I will not let him play if it happens to me because it's too dangerous...

3. I saw team managers walking on the pitch like 1-2 meters advanced. How should I react even though they are not interfering with match.

4. Same like managers I saw club assistants running not on sidelines but 1-2 meters advanced on the pitch. Any actions is needed?

5. Substitutions took place not at halfway line but again 2-3 meters advanced on the pitch.

It happened in nearly every match I watched on Sunday's morning. So I was surprised, maybe as beginner ref level 9 I should allow all these things to happen? thanks for any answers.
A&H International
1. Yes check equipment, jewellery, rings, ear rings and my pet hate bracelets
2. Sports Glasses are allowed,
3. Ask them to move back if you see them and if they do it persistently warn them,
4. As above
5. Try and do it half way line and on touch line. Easy way to do is to check boots of oncoming player, that way its done at touchline
Most of all enjoy the occasion, don't get too flustered, just keep calm and welcome to the fraternity :)
Agree with above but in all honesty if you're doing RoRo sub's on a Sunday morning district league, you're probably not going to jog across to check every single player so don't get too hung up on it. If you're being assessed then of course do it each time
Jewlery etc - when you meet to coach for each team / when they bring your team sheet ask THEM to check that it is removed.

"Hi coach - I'll pop over in 10, if you can have your team sheet with numbers ready please, and can you ask them to remove their jewlery before I check. Cheers."

At this point you have put the onus on them, nd if you find something, then they have themselves to blame.

Glasses - sports glasses all good, normal pair are no-no (there's a thread here about them that explains all you ned to know)

3 - yes if you see them I normally look at them and gesture back with my hand / arm. If they are getting aggressive or persistant then at a stoppage hold up play and mae a point of going over and asking them "coach, please stay off the pitch; dont want the ball hitting you and you loosing an advantage" etc

4 - speak to you assistants first - that they are part of your team today, ins and outs, offsides, if you agree with them or what if you don't, and to stay off the pitch and DO NOT touch / stop the ball (as if they stop it before it has fully gone out, play continues!!!). Extreme circumstances you can releave an assistant of their duties and replace them, but probs not on your first game.

5 When speak to the coach - subs on and at the HW please, one on, one off. First couple jog over and do them ceremonially, making a point of "excuse me, back here please player". They will soon get the idea of what is expected, and consistantly doing it will get you a good reputation.

but number 1A is ..................... Enjoy it. Donl;t try and do everything, or please veryone as you will not, and then think bad of it. Be true to yourself and to the LOAF.

Post match write down 5 things you did well / correct / proud of, 3 things you were unsure of that you want to check up LOAF, and 2 things you know you got wrong. Then you make sure that next game the 2 wrongs, you right, the 3 unsure you are sure of, and contiue with the 5 goods. Aim to get your 3 bad to be three goods.
Thanks guys. But when you check players equipment do you ask for players to stand in line or how? I'm a little bit confused here, what is the best way to inspect it?
It's a great opportunity to begin to exercise control. You can walk to each group of players and ask them to move to the centre circle. You ask them to stand in line facing the touchline. The reason for bringing them both into this area is that both teams can hear what you say to the other team. Therefore if you've not developed your "patter" then you might say something to team 2 that you miss with team 1 (and vice versa). Also it doesn't harm to hear a message repeated as it reinforces that message.

Walk along the front of one team asking them to hold out their hands in front of them with their sleeves pulled up so you can see if they have rings or bracelets on. Have a quick visual check for ear-rings and tell the players to remove any chains or necklaces. Also tell them that if you see one during the game you will have to send the player to the touchline to take it off and he will stay there until you are ready to let him back into the game. You can also at this stage ask them to remove any non matching tape or ankle protectors.

Ask them to stay in place until you have checked their boots, then walk along the back of the line asking the players to lift their feet in turn. This is a great opportunity for you to have some fun and show you are human. You can make gentle comments about players struggling to stand on one leg or ask them to lift their left boot, no ... their other left. You are checking for missing studs and split blades. If you see these, explain that it's not safe to play with the boot in that condition and they should change them before the game.

Always, always, always thank the players for taking part in the inspection and then call the captains in for the coin toss.