The Ref Stop

Hi newbie here

The Ref Stop
You'll get loads of ear ache... But thats usually because you're doing it right.

At least, thats what I tell myself.

Welcome to the forum. Im new too and an ambassador of you-can-really-ask-any-question-you-want.

There are no stupid questions... Just stupid people... and they are usually in the crowd shouting made up laws of the game.
More members North of Watford Gap, beyond ridiculous now ;)

Welcome Aidan. This site's a bit like Marmite...horribly sticky but horrendously addictive!
Hi all my name is aidan,

Just passed my basic referee course and now ready to go, nervous about it all but I suppose its all about gaining confidence each game

Stick at it. You may feel awful running around trying to please all the players and managers but they rarely know the Laws and you do. As you say confidence is key plus a thick skin. Do not try and make friends with the players, you are there to officiate, do not be tempted to explain every decision when asked, give your decision then move quickly to your new position. You will quiz yourself after a match about why you did such and such, you will make mistakes but players make more. Do the best you can, learn from your mistakes, ask lots of questions on forums. Players can debrief (and blame you as you will hear through the thin walls) amongst themselves but you will rarely have anyone else to talk to so use forums like this one. The forum is a virtual arm around the shoulder as refereeing is a lonely role.
Even after 10+ years I make mistakes through a lapse of concentration or poor positioning. We try and be consistent in an inconsistent match. Expect no gratitude and bask in the sunlight when you are praised. Unfortunately on the next match you have to go out and earn respect all over again whilst they get to treat you disrespectfully. If you are able to have a pre match, tell them no swearing at or about you and talk to you as if they had met you in the street and were asking directions. If you do not enforce the LOTG then you are making the next referee's job just that little bit harder.
It is a very rewarding role but manage your expectations and you may not end up an old cynical referee like me thinking about escape rather than the next match.