shouting his own name

Andrew Ewen

New Member
interesting one today.

ball is hooked clear from a corner towards 1 red (attacking) 1 blue (defending) on the half way line. Blue player manages to get in from of red player when red players shouts his own name at the top of his voice (for clarity, there isn't another player from either side within 20 yards of the ball). Blue player, about to control and play the ball, hears the shout and let's the ball run. Red player then laughs and says thanks mate as he runs off with the ball. I blow for an ifk which causes massive issues with the red team. absolutely certain I got this right at the time as the little laugh and comment intimated to me that he had done it on purpose and that with no one in a red jersey anywhere near the ball he couldn't have been shouting to a team mate.

starting to 2nd guess myself a little now as surely the blue player knew it was just him and the opponent so shouldn't have left the ball anyway (typing this, I know full well that's irrelevant)
A&H International
The laws state: "verbally distracts an opponent during play or at a restart". Doesn't specify being allowed or not allowed to shout anything in particular.
If you felt it was an attempt to distract an opponent, then it is a caution and an idfk. The caution is mandatory!

It's an odd one as you point out, as the blue player must be a nervous type to have just got out of the way.

Guess you had to be there :)
Hmmmmm , there is another thread somewhere on this issue !!

As SM says its a spur of the moment decision ... but a player putting his own name on a ball !! its a hard one to sell !!

what happens when the Keeper comes running out with his knee up nowhere near the ball shouting" KEEPERS BALL " just to let the attacker know hes around !! as they all do ..

Are we going to stop the game , Book him and give an IFK ??

I think not

Part of the game IMO..... but again every individual situation is different ....so this might have been a blatant one
There's nothing in the rules of refchat that forbids the use of exclamation marks either, gentlemen....but sometimes I wish there was :rolleyes:
Herts ......im happy to be spelling words properly ,so lets not start picking on punctuation !!!!!!;)
Or even for that matter having a go at the correct person !!!!!!! ......Sorry Herts !!!!!!!

Or even for that matter having a go at the correct person !!!!!!! ......Sorry Herts !!!!!!!

I was just about to say! Bloody liberty!

Apology accepted :p
By law if hes distracted him then its an IDFK and yellow for C1, BUT if its his own name then its a hard one since its not a leave or a finding nemo 'MINE!' , BUT since youve said none of his players are around and he made the comment, id say give it as you did to be honest, more against him than for
I can seen why you gave it. But shouting his own name I'd let play carry on and put it down to foolishness in the defenders part in all honesty.