So... I Started Getting The Cards Out This Weekend


Target of Abuse
Level 7 Referee
Morning All,

Took all your advice and put it into play for this weekends fixtures – it seemed to have mixed results.

6 yellow cards on Saturdays game. Didn’t feel any different and the cautions didn’t seem to deter anybody’s ‘spirit’ when going in for meaty challenges.

Also, I am 100% confident with every card, from reckless challenges that made no contact with players (but carded for the intent) to cautions for clapping my decision against them.

But as someone who has been established on this forum as “Slightly behind” on my yellow card rate – gosh don’t you get a lot of whinging.

Out of 10 cards given this weekend, I think 2 of them took it on the chin, albeit one of them agreed and respected the decision.

But the others, as soon as you reach for your pocket, it all goes high pitched and you just get so much more abuse!? I thought I had “too much abuse” when I was lenient.

“Oh if you’re going to yellow me for that, you might as well send me off now – because that wasn’t even a strong challenge”

“if that’s a yellow you’re pretty telling me that I cant challenge for the ball”

“You cant yellow me, because I didn’t show my studs”

“But I got the ball, so it cant be a yellow” [ball was achieved by going throw the player – power slide style]

Honestly, I was pulling my hair out by the end of it.

Has anyone got any tips to ‘smooth’ the process.

Step 1 Call them over.
(Wait whilst they refuse to come over, or consider 20ft to be close enough)

Step 2 Explain why it’s a foul and remind them of any other prior challenges/warnings
(Wait for them to barrage you with nonsense, reminisce about other challenges from other weeks with other refs that didn’t get cards)
(Wait for all his mates to go away – even after being told a thousand times – and try to ignore every player on this team screaming “Whats that for ref” from around the pitch)

Step 3 Ask for the players surname
(Wait for them to barrage you with nonsense, reminisce about other challenges from other weeks with other refs that didn’t get cards)

Step 4 Ask the player to come back so that you can present the card
(As they always seem to walk off after giving their surname, regardless of how difficult it is to spell)

Step 4 Present Card
(Wait for them to barrage you with nonsense, reminisce about other challenges from other weeks with other refs that didn’t get cards)

Step 5 Restart play.
A&H International
It almost felt as if I was there, silho, :)
With all the promise of my mates coming down to support me each week, talk of mentors coming to help and other refs volunteering their time... Im still yet to actually have anyone fighting my corner whilst I actually referee a match!

You would have been a welcome addition in Sils corner!

EDIT: Tell a lie, I had an assessor at my 1st ever game - ripped me a mini-new-one about not booking a player, but since then I do remember the fixture organiser coming to watch one of my games as I was in the next town to his. Really nice guy.

But 2 out of lots isnt really a super support network.

I do 3 games a weekend - and if ever I dont get one of them (randomly) and therefore have a spare Saturday PM/Sunday AM/Sunday PM, ill go down to the local pitch and watch the game to get tips.

...Just isnt very often that I get a game off.

Not complaining though, I can almost taste the 4K Curved TV... Its so close!!
Wish I could get 4 games a weekend. Struggle to get 2 sometimes.

With the cards and the abuse you get as a result, ignore it. When I first started reffing two years ago I'd get a card out maybe every other game, this season I've had just 2 in 11 or so middles where I haven't got cards out, and I've had probably 30-40 yellows and I think 4 or 5 reds too. Lay down your expectations at the start of the game, and tell players if an offence warrants a card they can bet they'll get a card - you'll be surprised how many referees just don't bother with their cards and make our job harder when we caution someone for a horrible challenge.
Silo define "slightly behind on your yellow card rate", what is the average for a yellow card rate? Referee the game your way, if you never issue a caution then that is not bad (although i would imagine its rare). Shame on your County FA if you are asking for guidance and not getting it. But good for you for actively trying to improve and watching other ref's, personally i think you can learn so much watching other people referee a game both finding things to add to your game or in some cases things you dont want to add to your game. What i would say is mix it up, dont just watch guys on your local park, find your nearest Supply League and go and watch a level 4 in action they are experienced guys who (more often than not) are good consistent referee's and you will pick things up from them.
Silo define "slightly behind on your yellow card rate"

I (had) dished about 6-8 cards in my first 40 matches. Albeit small junior style matches, some female league stuff, but I would say a good 20 adult middles.

By RefChat standards, I need to be hitting 2-4 cautions a game. I feel like the site let down over here :D

Shame on your County FA if you are asking for guidance and not getting it.

In fairness, I didnt push much. Was told there was a mentor program to look into, they mentioned they'd assign me and I didnt hear anything more about it. Lots of other refs offer time, but feel a bit silly replying saying "Come to my game!"

I think im more of the style where ill take TeaLeaf up on his offer

When? Where? Who? I have some free dates coming up - I shall be around.

...Which brings me to this! :D

If you want to PM me your email/mobile, I can send details of this weekends games and you can pick and choose whatever is most convenient for you.

I love the sound of the Academy, with fast tracking, recording facilities and the like. Id love to be able to say "Oh, I was right" with 100% evidential support!

Would just be great to get pointers too, only if I need them of course. I dare say, I might need a few - just to help in situations that I look like I may be struggling with - like being squared up to.

I reckon, if push comes to shove and I know a punch in the face is coming - that may factor into my caution giving ability.

I enjoy my face.