Will my age count against me?


Politically Incorrect
Just a quick question following a comment a tutor made this weekend...

'How old are you, 29? Oh right. Unfortunately you'll never get as far as the Premier League'

Now don't get me wrong my sole aim is not to get onto the FIFA list or the Premier League, I just want to enjoy my games an do something I enjoy at the highest standard I can achieve.

But my question is this :

Will the fact I started refereeing at 29 count against me in terms of progression, regardless of my ability?
A&H International
Better not, im 30 and I fully expect to be level 3-4 (minimum!) in 10 years time.

Id say most of the refs in the premier league are nearing 40.

Im told, that if you've got the skill L7 to L4 in 10 years is actually easily achievable.

Ill allow people to shoot me down if thats incorrect.
Better not, im 30 and I fully expect to be level 3-4 (minimum!) in 10 years time.

Id say most of the refs in the premier league are nearing 40.

Im told, that if you've got the skill L7 to L4 in 10 years is actually easily achievable.

Ill allow people to shoot me down if thats incorrect.
I did it in under 3, so definitely achievable!!

2 seasons ago, there was a 53 year old referee from round this way promoted to FL line, the oldest to be promoted into PGMOL.

Of course you can make it onto PL, you may not be able to make it to FIFA though (can't become FIFA ref/AR if 37+)
Is there a limit on the age you can do a brc? I started last year at 30 and my dad of 71 has enjoyed watching mevand is interested in doing the local kids league on Saturdays. Believe me he is more than capable as he does mini soccer (10/11) for my school games and keeps up with them just fine. All good for keeping him fit and sharp mentally as they say.
Guy from back home was reffing at 84. Weren't many referees fitter than him at the time in the local area
No limits officially but as you get older your 'discouraged' from progressing. I doubt at 37 whether I'd get promoted to level 4 but you never know!
@Declan I'm not sure where you get your info from but seeing as there are plenty of referees promoted to Level 4 who are in their 50s I suggest you might be a little misled.
I agree with ASM. I know of a small number just in my County who achieved level 4 in their 40s and 3-4 of them made it to level 3. It's not your age that will go against you. What matter is your ability to stay free of injury, pass your fitness test and to demonstrate a willingness to continue developing, not just think you've made it when you reach Supply League football.
@Declan I'm not sure where you get your info from but seeing as there are plenty of referees promoted to Level 4 who are in their 50s I suggest you might be a little misled.

Indeed. My next door neighbour was promoted to Level 4 about 3 years ago and I went to his 60th birthday party last weekend!
Was with 5 current and former Prem / FL officials this weekend and i asked a straight question:

"I'm 32 now, and a 6. This is my 3rd season (also started when 29). So, what's my ceiling - no bull, don't ***** foot me, what is the top I can expect."

Gen honest answer was L4 is a distinct poss, L3 if I was in the right place at the right time and a few things go my way. So reality being that I could line FL for my top flying season, poss get FA Cup Third Rd, but Ref the Ryman wouldn't be unexpected. Sorry HW, but don't think you'll be reffing the FL.

So there's my ceiling - Ryman middle and maybe a FL line.
I'd take that I think @HRW .

I have to ask myself the question too - if you get towards the top of the pyramid does the enjoyment diminish in line with the pressure increasing?
I'd take that I think @HRW .

I have to ask myself the question too - if you get towards the top of the pyramid does the enjoyment diminish in line with the pressure increasing?

Enjoyment ? We are supposed to enjoy refereeing :p

I have had the same thoughts I am just starting out as a referee and I am 27. However I think realistically level 3 is probably the highest that I could get to. Would be more than happy refereeing in the Ryman leagues and potentially running the lines in the FL/Conference

Although that is a long way away :rolleyes: