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RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
So I had an u13 game. Young striker up front missed four golden chances and hit the post during the game. Poor lad. His dad for the whole game was up and down the sideline shouting at him. From the kick off I was rolling my eyes as thought here we go, he was going to get on my back. It was after ten minutes I took notice of what he was shouting when I gave his lad offside. The dad was shouting at him to keep quiet and the referees decision was final and if he said another word he'd be taking him off and straight home! I was totally shocked, also started to listen to what else he was shouting at times, and each time his lad missed a great chance he was so supportive and nice about it. Saying it took and awkward bounce or how he was doing great to be in the position to get the chance.

It was really great to hear and although the dad had a really aggressive tone to his shouting, everything he was saying was totally supportive.
A&H International
So I had an u13 game. Young striker up front missed four golden chances and hit the post during the game. Poor lad. His dad for the whole game was up and down the sideline shouting at him. From the kick off I was rolling my eyes as thought here we go, he was going to get on my back. It was after ten minutes I took notice of what he was shouting when I gave his lad offside. The dad was shouting at him to keep quiet and the referees decision was final and if he said another word he'd be taking him off and straight home! I was totally shocked, also started to listen to what else he was shouting at times, and each time his lad missed a great chance he was so supportive and nice about it. Saying it took and awkward bounce or how he was doing great to be in the position to get the chance.

It was really great to hear and although the dad had a really aggressive tone to his shouting, everything he was saying was totally supportive.
Just proves the point about perception. Despite his best attempts to be supportive to his son and endeavour to ensure his son played fair (not having a go at the ref), his aggressive tone made it seem otherwise.

All referees should take note of this. When you're talking to a player, it's not just about what you say, but the way you say it and the way it appears you're talking to the player from the outside (especially for those on promotion schemes!)