County takes priority

@HertsFinest I think I'm going to move across the border! Assigned to a game a 40 minute drive each way. I am not a promotion candidate, I've been doing this 6 months and I'm already sick of the beauracracy! The amateur game needs to take itself a little less seriously!
Yeah I agree and while we're at it, let's not bother reporting results when asked and how about that offside law, it's a bit tricky, we'll not play that today ...
A&H International
@Brian Hamilton please don't be ridiculous. I've come to expect you to be a bit more reasonable. What baffled me about this particular appointment is that it's on the patch of the biggest RA in my county so there are clearly plenty of referees close at hand. Why dispatch people so far?
You said that amateur football should take itself less seriously after all ...

Or perhaps, you'd prefer my earlier post in the thread, where I said take it as a compliment. A 40 minute drive each way is a typical appointment for many of the Supply League Assistants and Referees in my County.
@HertsFinest I think I'm going to move across the border! Assigned to a game a 40 minute drive each way. I am not a promotion candidate, I've been doing this 6 months and I'm already sick of the beauracracy! The amateur game needs to take itself a little less seriously!

Time to get to a game does not match distance. London games most take me an hour to get there and that can be anything from 5 to 40 miles each way.

40 mins across the city by road or pub transport is very different to 40 mins at 60 on a main road.
@HertsFinest I think I'm going to move across the border! Assigned to a game a 40 minute drive each way. I am not a promotion candidate, I've been doing this 6 months and I'm already sick of the beauracracy! The amateur game needs to take itself a little less seriously!

The refs secretary I deal with will on occasion send me that sort of distance away. But makes sure you can fit in two, three or even four games. So although it's a lot of travelling financially it's worth while and also saves him a headache as has one ref dealing with a whole host of games.

If I was you I'd think about looking at a different local league. What area are you in? Feel free to private message if you don't want to mention it on here.
I have a feeling I remember you being on the mhrml Dan? If so then you will get games in south to mid herts regularly which again, if I remember correctly, you live in Harlow?
@Brian Hamilton I'm not a supply league official. I want to support my local grassroots game. And most of my colleagues who are on contrib and supply are being sent way further than that, not uncommon to be told to go to Hastings from Essex!
This'll make you chuckle.

Got a phone call last night from the same ref secretary. Got an u16 county cup tie to do this Sunday! I did have an OA friendly, but obviously I've pulled out of that to take this game. It's also being played at my old secondary school, which seems weird!