Our fuel for games


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Level 7 Referee
So I realised I'm having a variety of different options for food and drink before and during my games, really not sure if they're productive to performance at all so was wondering what you guys have for your games.

A lot of my games I travel to small locations by train, which involves a train to Glasgow Central then a 1/2 hour wait for the train to my destination. The Greggs outside is too hard to resist...

I'll usually pack a water and Lucozade for half-time and after. Brought a protein shake once for after the game and got slagged throughout as I do not have the muscle mass required for it to look natural when drinking such products. What would you recommend RC?
A&H International
Ordinary match day.

Night before;
Pasta and chicken with some kind of sauce

Porridge with cinnamon and honey
Poached eggs, bacon medallions on toast
Coffee (decaf)

Then for lunch (2 hours before):
Something like beans on toast (white bread)

I carry Jaffa cakes and a banana or two to the game, water and a sports drink.

Post match you want a 3-1 carbs/protein drink for recovery. If you aren't inclined to purchase such a drink, (which are overpriced although the goodness shakes ones are nice and sold in tesco) then a big glass of milk and a couple of bananas will do the trick.
Cheers for the suggestions SM. I have a big tub of Optimum whey protein bought for £25 off Amazon in the cupboards taking up space, might get properly started with that!
Any recovery food needs to be taken on with 30 mins of stopping exertion, so whist your body is still drawing from your stomach and guts into you body and expending it, it is still drawing, but as you have stopped it refills your spent stores, and as much as you are damaging muscle when using it (technically) the body is busy trying to repair the damage so by feeding it what it needs when drawing is essential.

I come from a cycling background and on a long ride (4 / 5Hrs plus) most of what is consumed goes straight out in power. Only the last consumption in the last 30 / 45 of riding time stays in the body - hence why they consime 6000kCal per day but are stick thin.

also why they make the last 30km in the GT feed free so as to use the sotres up that they have to find the best person. GC race up a mountain with no feeds in the last 30 - you see those that are power houses compared to the others.

So - have a recovery shake made up (or yes - pint of milk and a banana is a very good alternative) so that as soon as you get off the pitch - glug and bite, undress, glug bite, into shower (heat will help lower heart rate and help your body to process it) out of shower, glug, bite, glug bite, get dressed, done.

I have a small (literally handful) of pasta with bit of meat and a spoon of something through it (non mayo / cream based) so to get the carb / protein hit needed.

carbs at a 3:1 protein. 1g protein per 10kg body mass, 3g carbs per 10kg. So you weight 90Kg - 9g protein, 27g carb. doesnt sound like mutch but thats what you need.
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