Going from County Cup to Prison


Active Member
Well, what can I say you have read the title right.
Yesterday I was suppose to be on a County Cup game only to arrive back home from Uni up in Burnley on Thursday to be told "Your County Cup game on Saturday has been called OFF, can you do the re arranged game this Wednesday?". Well I wasn't the happiest person in the world at this moment in time, I said "unfortunately I've come down especially for the fixture and I'm going home Sunday pm so sorry I can't".

I then had to email my county league fixture sec for a game (in a pleading way) then he gave me a game on the line at a prison, I thought great this shall be interesting and with out a doubt it was interesting. We (3 officials & away team) had to be in the prison entrance at 1pm and they wouldn't let us go in at staggered times, in together out together. then there's that walk you have to make past the cell blocks and inmates are shouting at you banging on the windows and railings it was a bit nervy and unexpected.

Luckily we didn't have to change with away team we got the PEI's office with a sofa and tea :)
Game wise it was feisty I generally thought I'm not getting away with this easily, the away teams at times were trying to invite the prisoners to hit them and tackles weren't your nice ones. Other than that the game could of gone any way being a top of the table clash but this time it was the away team who won 4-1.

If you gave an offside to the prisoners they'd all shout at you luckily it was only the twice and the only other time they shouted was for a foul in my area right in front of me but I let it go to see if it was going for a corner or throw to then give the FK.

Overall an over whelming experience, has anyone else had to do a game like this (at a prison)? - Plus side NO FANS to heckle you.
A&H International
If anyone else read the title as I did you'd assume that you couldn't do the county cup game because you were in prison...
If anyone else read the title as I did you'd assume that you couldn't do the county cup game because you were in prison...
Glad I'm not the only one that thought this
There will be a ton of guards everywhere, it is probably the "referee safest" game you will ever do!

I read about someone else doing a prison game and all home and away fixtures were played in the prison. This person also had two qualified prisoners (one a Level 5) as assistants. You'd think they would have a prison league?
There was once a team in the Hinckley Sunday League comprising of mostly prison officers. They were called Glen Parva FC, and played their home games at Glen Parva young offenders prison. As referee you were searched before being escorted through to the changing rooms. Visiting teams were also searched, and we went through the same procedure on the way out.
Our local prison's pitch was the maximum measurements - now THAT'S a diagonal!
I always found that the inmates played hard but fair, and it was generally the away team who were the cheats and moaners.
One time I refereed the inmates against the warders, like that film with Vinnie Jones and Jason Statham. Absolute carnage!
Not enough money in the world to persuade me to do a warders vs inmates. :)