"we pay your wages"

I would tell him if he carries on talking then my dodgy decisions are going to be two for one pretty sharpish!
A&H International
The other option, if you are brave enough to use it is
"yes, but the opposition has already bribed me?"
The other option, if you are brave enough to use it is
"yes, but the opposition has already bribed me?"

ooh, risky comment for an assessor to make there, Lincs

I'm with the keep it professional brigade ;)
A mate of mine used to use the line of "left or right pocket? One is red, one is yellow. Do you feel lucky?" Obviously he had yellow in both pockets, but said in the right situation it could really defuse a situation. Don't think I'd ever use that though!
ooh, risky comment for an assessor to make there, Lincs

I'm with the keep it professional brigade ;)
Using humour and making light of situations does work for some in correctly judged situations.

That said I can see how it could spectacularly go wrong though in the wrong situation. :)
It doesn't need any smart arse comments or other flippant remarks.....it just needs a firm warning to shut up before they talk themselves off the pitch.
People are so sensitive. I do not agree that is worthy of a red card.

If that is a red card offence most frames would end up 7 v 7
I did say that in my op that I thought it was harsh but during the game he was talked to twice about his conduct and he was constantly questioning almost every decision. He was also the captain and had no respect not just for me but even his own players.
Incidently I was talking to a lad who was watching the game who lives locally to me and is related to another player and told me the manager knew he wouldbe sent off eventually for his attitude and his mouth. It was in the 70th minute of the game also
That's an extremely harsh (in fact, I would say incorrect) red card to give. The caution for the berating was fine; the comment about the payment seems like a one-off and can be dealt with by reminding him that the second yellow will likely come much quicker than the first did at this point.
I did say that in my op that I thought it was harsh but during the game he was talked to twice about his conduct and he was constantly questioning almost every decision. He was also the captain and had no respect not just for me but even his own players.
Incidently I was talking to a lad who was watching the game who lives locally to me and is related to another player and told me the manager knew he wouldbe sent off eventually for his attitude and his mouth. It was in the 70th minute of the game also

Also let's remember that there is a difference between a player being annoying with questioning your decisions and a player engaging in dissent worthy of a caution.
Also let's remember that there is a difference between a player being annoying with questioning your decisions and a player engaging in dissent worthy of a caution.

I think this is REALLY important. Yes we are the ones in charge in the middle, but football is a passionate game. I believe players should be allowed to question things and the emotion might mean they don't word it in the most polite fashion as possible, but doesn't mean straight off the bat it's dissent.
I get told it in my day job and I always reply "Yes. But it's not enough when you think about some of the idiots I have to deal with."