Open Age Leisure Leagues

Aaron Aven

Level 7 Referee
Hi there guys,
I started reffing Leisure Leagues last Thursday as I really enjoy refereeing. However, this is the first sort of Open Age football I've reffed before. I only reffed one game on Thursday, both teams had players of around 30 years old, so a lot older than me at 16. Every decision I made, I got questioned and had players make comments such as; 'Don't worry guys, he's wrong, he's just forgotten his glasses.' 'Are you f**cking serious ref?' Blah blah blah.

But I'll get to the point, I'd like to know if any of you have any ways to deal with players like this, and how I can increase my confidence, and possibly develop a mental block to what they're saying? My Dad tells me to have some banter with them, but when it comes to it, I can never think of a witty comeback. So has anyone got any tips on how to deal with Open Age?

Thanks :)
A&H International
There is banter and there is confidence. Then there is also the old lemon and cherry. (Red and yellow cards)

While you don't necessarily want to be heavy handed with the discipline, what options do you have when it comes to cards in leisure league? I'm curious.
Personally, I think you have chosen the worst possible route into OA footy.

Many players in leagues like this are under sine die bans from regular football and this is the only option for them.
Discipline is often handled internally and as the league relies on making money, the sanctions tend to be very light.

Get yourself on to your local Sunday leagues with proper support from the RA and the leagues refs secretary.

If you continue to ref on the leisure league then start shoving a lemon up their nose when they gob off.....those comments are beyond banter and are dissent, deal with them as such.
There is banter and there is confidence. Then there is also the old lemon and cherry. (Red and yellow cards)

While you don't necessarily want to be heavy handed with the discipline, what options do you have when it comes to cards in leisure league? I'm curious.

They have fines like the FA do. £10 for Yellow and £15 for Red I believe.

Personally, I think you have chosen the worst possible route into OA footy.

Many players in leagues like this are under sine die bans from regular football and this is the only option for them.
Discipline is often handled internally and as the league relies on making money, the sanctions tend to be very light.

Get yourself on to your local Sunday leagues with proper support from the RA and the leagues refs secretary.

If you continue to ref on the leisure league then start shoving a lemon up their nose when they gob off.....those comments are beyond banter and are dissent, deal with them as such.

I do ref Sunday League as well, I've got my seasons first fixture next Sunday!:)
Never take cards to leisure leagues, if they do something worth it, they'll be ordered off the pitch, or the match will be stopped. Head office are very supportive, as in they will kick out teams if they're idiots and will back you up as they should do.
i started Leisure leagues last season, worst decision of my life!!
Trust me mate, you wont get any confidence dealing with these fu@*ing idiots!!

Keep trying to pick up local games Sat/Sun, OA mens, OA ladies, U'18s, these are the games that will get you your confidence and using the LOTG as they should be, rather than the 6 a side stuff.

Agree with James comments, LL will kick teams out of the league, but do you really want to put yourself in that situation??

I didnt, so stopped doing it, but that's my opinion.

Good luck mate