Open Age Last minute


Level 7 Referee
I had my first open age line last night, between an Anglian combination prem team and a thurlow nunn div 1 team, The match went extremely well, it was very heated and competitive but I felt I dealt with it very well, I had made friends with a manager who I have at the end of the month, it couldn't have gone much better................until the 89th minute that is, the score is still 0-0 when the ball was just outside the box and all of a sudden a through ball is played and a player is through on goal and scores ,he appears to everyone on the pitch that they are offside but, he was a clear yard on when the ball was played, so I keep my flag down and signal for the goal, cue defending team to start screaming and shouting at me ( obviously not that bright as their vocabulary only stretched to two or three words, one being off and another being lino). I dealt well with it, manager singing my praises to the referee at FT.

I know my decision was correct, but I seem to keep going over it in my head and having doubts, even though I am 100% it was the right call, does anyone have any advice or techniques on how to get incidents like this out of my head and how to move on from it?
A&H International
Forget about it! You got the correct decision! Do something you enjoy, works for me!
Ryan as lining is most difficult job on refereeing you learn very good from it and maybe your best area is lining. Also any abuse you receive let it go over your head and because you got the decision right as @Joshua Brayshaw said just for get about it
i use to play as a forward... so i can confirm that @Darren Amor is 100% wrong, you got the decision spot on, we, as attackers, are never EVER offside! so good call :p

all jokes aside, i really wouldnt worry about it, i can asusre you that the walkiing thesauraus isnt sitting at home replaying your decision in their head, so why should you?

remember as a referee, we are never wrong ;)