The Ref Stop

Adidas Referee 12 kit

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New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi All,

I am just looking for some help. The black adidas referee shirt is going on ebay for about £13. however I can not find the shorts for anything under £25. Just wondered if anyone had any website that have them for a cheaper price.

The link to the shirt is here for anyone wanting one!

The Ref Stop
Hi All,

I am just looking for some help. The black adidas referee shirt is going on ebay for about £13. however I can not find the shorts for anything under £25. Just wondered if anyone had any website that have them for a cheaper price.

The link to the shirt is here for anyone wanting one!


Fatref, without starting the whole coloured shirt "debate" again, your not technically allowed to wear the kit........
No cause it's it's got purple on it. I've got the 2010 one and get away with wearing it at local level.
I have the Adidas 12 Black Top and I get away with it, I've been on games with the ref secretary and he doesn't mind.
Technically you shouldn't wear it as officially you should wear black and white however it doesn't stand out so you can get away with it normally.
Local league secretary may say that it's ok but your CFA will say otherwise. There are plenty of black and white kits out there so why go looking for trouble. It only takes one disgruntled player who knows what we can wear to open the can of worms.
Local league secretary may say that it's ok but your CFA will say otherwise. There are plenty of black and white kits out there so why go looking for trouble. It only takes one disgruntled player who knows what we can wear to open the can of worms.
Check with your County FA or risk being charged by The FA
With the wide range of black and white kits available I don't see the point risking any potential trouble.
I've got this kit, the only reason is it's the only kit that fits me!! I was under the impression it had to be predominantly black??
I've got this kit, the only reason is it's the only kit that fits me!! I was under the impression it had to be predominantly black??

Afraid not. Adidas were the favoured kit of the PGMOL but they wouldn't do black and white as we are one of the few countries that have stuck with that ruling.
If you ask your RDO he'll say you can't wear it.
Ah well. Back to looking like a tramp with just a black polo shirt then. In my opinion (which obviously counts for jack ****!!) the Adidas kit looks a lot better than just a polo shirt. It's such a small amount of purple as well. I only wore the shorts last year and had 1 assessment and a cup final and it wasn't mentioned.
Quite agree that the Adidas kit looks good and at some point in the future the FA will relax its stance but in consultation with the CFAs and CRAs last season the overwhelming opinion was black and white.
There are a number of things that the FA do that no one else does and they may be forced to change, penalty signal for one. Another is that we never have to resit a test on law or sit through development workshops. Both are annual events in many "lesser" footballing nations.
I only wore the shorts last year and had 1 assessment and a cup final and it wasn't mentioned.
YOU ONLY WORE SHORTS?!?!?!! Running around topless? :D I wonder what the cfa would say to that one! Do the laws say you have to wear a shirt to referee? Do the laws of the game mention referee kit outside of jewellery.

Quite agree that the Adidas kit looks good and at some point in the future the FA will relax its stance but in consultation with the CFAs and CRAs last season the overwhelming opinion was black and white.
There are a number of things that the FA do that no one else does and they may be forced to change, penalty signal for one. Another is that we never have to resit a test on law or sit through development workshops. Both are annual events in many "lesser" footballing nations.

And the reason for that was simply because most CFAs and CRAs are run by octogenarians whose mindset is firmly stuck in the 1950s.

If they bothered to ask the people who actually have to buy and wear the kit, the outcome would have been very different.
All of our local RAs were asked and the result was the same. No octo anythings there. I'm quite happy in black and white so I guess I must be stuck in the 1950's. Be nice to meet my parents as teenagers!
As stated previously there are plenty of kits out there. Very expensive and fairly cheap.
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