The Ref Stop

Speaking to Players

Jordan Griffiths

New Member
Level 7 Referee
I often struggle on what to say to players when they have commited a wreckless or careless tackle, and abusive language towards the opposition. Does anyone have any tips/what they say when this occurs? Addressing verbal abuse directed towards myself, the referee, is easier to deal with.

Basically, any offence that warrants a 'chat'. What to include in the explanation...
The Ref Stop
First of all....verbal abuse towards you as the referee.......rarely should this ever be "just a chat".......shoving a lemon up their nose tends to quieten them down a lot quicker, or a cherry if its over a certain level/line.

Depending on the language aimed at the opposition you really only have 2 choices.....a stern talking to or a red. Just tell them to calm down and watch what they are saying otherwise they may not like what happens next.

Careless tackles, unless persistent, really don't need any lectures. Reckless ones really only need to be told to calm down, watch their tackles, and maybe explain why you felt it was reckless, but generally they don't listen anyway, so just a calm down and behave type comment is needed.

Don't spend lots of time explaining or discussing decisions with players.....give the FK and move away from the area unless there are afters or its going to be on the whistle.......
Depends on what you need to talk to them about:
- careless challenge: just act as a warning, "that was close to being a caution becuase it was ?high, late?. Just be more careful if the future..."
- reckless (well you are already cautioning them). "that was too high/late... it was dangerous because of ...."
- language to the opposition. "Player swearing or foul language to them is the same as saying it to me. Stop or I will deal with you". Can be useful to do this loud so other players can hear and with his captain.

Most other offences, they know what they have doen wrong. A chat is to calm them and the opposition down, even if the words "you know what you did, just no more".
if i'm just having a quiet word as i run past, i often use phrases like "be careful with your tackling" or "calm down".

if i'm stopping the game to call someone over then it's a final warning and the next time they commit a similar offence they're going in the book. i'll often get the captain involved if he's nearby - if not i'll mention it to him as i pass.
Just shout "behave you (CU next Tuesday)!" Before making the tosser hand gesture as you run off to the next position :D

More seriously talking to players (or not) is a massive part of the referees game. Great advice above. The only thing I would add is knowing when to communicate verbally and when to break out the withering Collina state - some players respond to being talked to (and appreciate it) and others need a more basic, guttural non verbal approach!
Player: "But I'm entitled to my opinion ref!"

Referee: "That's in a democracy........this is a dictatorship!"

Usually works best I've found if you leg it away quickly enough on the punchline lol