Futsal 2023

santa sangria

RefChat Addict
I’m in deep. I studied two matches today. And I’ve had two cable-TV matches that went well.

DOGSO is complicated but just understandable.
SPA seems almost impossible to give now.

In the law book there’s nothing to explain “promising attack”. So what is the latest guidance?
A&H International
I book for SPA a lot.

Just typically when a rapid winger turns a defender in the final third and the defender pulls them down, or just generally an attacker looks like they are about to do something in a good position and someone fouls them.

A good one for my game management, when a team just lazily fouls someone.

I found this online:

Breaking up a promising attack:
What is the distance between the offense and the goal?
Does the player have control of the ball?
Can the player gain control of the ball?
What is the direction of play?
How many defenders are involved in the situation?
Where are the defenders located?
How many attackers are involved in the situation?
Where are the attackers located?
How many options to pass the ball did the player have when he was fouled?

I book for SPA a lot.

Just typically when a rapid winger turns a defender in the final third and the defender pulls them down, or just generally an attacker looks like they are about to do something in a good position and someone fouls them.

A good one for my game management, when a team just lazily fouls someone.

I found this online:

Breaking up a promising attack:
What is the distance between the offense and the goal?
Does the player have control of the ball?
Can the player gain control of the ball?
What is the direction of play?
How many defenders are involved in the situation?
Where are the defenders located?
How many attackers are involved in the situation?
Where are the attackers located?
How many options to pass the ball did the player have when he was fouled?

Futsal question unfortunately chief. I think you are thinking big real footy.

In futsal DOGSO is stricter, pitch is small, SPA is also stricter - avoids every foul becoming a YC…