4w-3w (5-4) report scores


RefChat Addict
Level 3W Referee
Just (finally due to RDO being off which is fair) had my first ever assessment back, 72.15 which instinct tells me is good but wanted to check what I should be expecting for this level!
A&H International
72.16 😋

Any dev points? Can get the vibe from that most of the time.
Yeah, one on my positioning as I move across the pitch (curve runs etc). Positioned at a free kick where I couldn't see the wall that well, positioning at kick off (I chose to see the AR with the team taking the KO but obviously the ball usually comes back the other way soon after).

Then a little note to make my advantage very clear with a shout and big arms out.

Was a very quiet game, which was mostly credited to my handling of it, but did mean I missed out on KMIs