

Active Member
After a fairly tetchy pre-season game today (I know I made two errors but I think I got away with them) I was followed out of the ground by three lads who put their car across the exit preventing me from leaving, gave all the standard abuse, etc. There was a slightly hairy moment where I thought they were going to pile out of their car and give me a piece of their insightful and intelligent minds, but they soon drove off.

Well, says I, if you're going to be a prat I'll be even prattier!

Sent an email to the chairman of the club, who I know as I do some NHS community work in their clubhouse, and I've just had a very quick response promising swift action - and since they were nice enough to park their car I have their description and license plate number.

The lesson here, boys and girls - if you're going to abuse someone outside of a football club, don't stop so they can get your details!
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A&H International
Would reporting to police be out of place here? I think not.
If I thought the police would give half a tinker's about it, I might. Unfortunately there's no CCTV as far as I'm aware, and even if there were there is next to no chance of anything coming of it with the police. At least I've got half a chance of the club taking it seriously.
Update - I was advised by county to report it to the police, and I've given the evidence and statement to them. I've been ill all week and I'm off this weekend as I'm at a seminar, but I'm not going to let them stop me refereeing. I'd be surprised if I get assigned to the club again, but if I do, I'll be turning up, doing the job, and I'll not be letting anyone put me off. In the end the thing that clinched it for me to make a police report was that if they'd done it to me, they might also be prepared to do it to someone who's just qualified, or feels more vulnerable, and that might then stop that person refereeing altogether. Not on.

Obviously I can't give details but I hope Plod finds them and throws the book at the buggers.
Final update - had a word with PC over the phone this morning. As I expected, there's not very much they can do as it's not an offence to use abusive language, and without CCTV evidence there's nothing to prosecute. Hopefully it goes in a file somewhere and if they do it again, they'll get nailed.

As it is, I've got one more report to do for the county, and then I'll consider it finished. I'm off on my holidays soon, and when I come back I'll be back with a whistle in hand, ruining more games!
Final update - had a word with PC over the phone this morning. As I expected, there's not very much they can do as it's not an offence to use abusive language, and without CCTV evidence there's nothing to prosecute. Hopefully it goes in a file somewhere and if they do it again, they'll get nailed.

As it is, I've got one more report to do for the county, and then I'll consider it finished. I'm off on my holidays soon, and when I come back I'll be back with a whistle in hand, ruining more games!
Not an offence to use abusive language ? The Public Order Act disagrees. The evidential difficulties are a separate matter but thankfully you've put it on record. Not just for yourself but for colleagues moving forward. Hope your report brings the conclusion you desire and you ruin your next game well!
Final update - had a word with PC over the phone this morning. As I expected, there's not very much they can do as it's not an offence to use abusive language, and without CCTV evidence there's nothing to prosecute. Hopefully it goes in a file somewhere and if they do it again, they'll get nailed.

As it is, I've got one more report to do for the county, and then I'll consider it finished. I'm off on my holidays soon, and when I come back I'll be back with a whistle in hand, ruining more games!
i'm afraid this is just lazy policing. Perhaps said PC needs to be reminded of section 4 Public Order Act or at the very least section 5 Public Order Act.

Hopefully, in the absence of police action, the County FA will investigate and follow up. This intimidating behaviour needs to be dealt with, otherwise the next referee may experience the same, or worse.