Pre season match fees


Active Member
Hi all,

What kind of fee do you charge for pre season? Just to cover mileage or standard match fee?

Thanks in advance
A&H International
Our fees are set by the county and are based on the level of teams in the game.
Don't get in the habit of doing pre-season on the cheap - if given the choice, I would always charge whatever the home team would pay for a standard league match.
I turned one down last year when they told me that the fee was £20 as that’s what they’d said they were paying refs pre season. I did explain that it wasn’t worth it for me to do that given the 24 mile round trip too. I did explain that if that’s what other refs could do it for then I would ask them.
Had this before:

“We’re only offering half match fee”
- “Which half do you want me for, first or second?”
“The turnstiles won’t be open so we’re not making any money” (bar was open as normal)

Sounds like THEIR season budgeting issue, not mine.

No favours, as they’ll expect the same job done. May waive expenses if I get a bite to eat and it’s a nice sunny day.