Refs v Managers

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RefChat Addict
Our annual refs v managers football match is coming up this weekend with a team of L2B - L5 refs from West Riding taking on a team of step 5 to Sunday league managers based mainly in Bradford. It's always a great occasion and with the refs winning last year for the first time (surely no coincidence it was my first appearance in goal??) we're hoping to make it 2 in a row!

I'll update how it all goes (as you can imagine there's some good banter and it gets very competitive) but the main focus of the day is to raise money for Andy's Man Club - https://andysmanclub.co.uk/.

If you'd like to donate or if you'd like a few raffle tickets let me know and we'll sort it out.

A&H International
Thread. Is. Dead.

@salamendar you've not posted a lot here so please see Forum rules

Especially number 11 in this case.
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