City v Leipzig


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, but how is that a penalty?

City bloke has headed the ball onto the defender's arm which is approximately 30cm away from the city player.

Also, city player has his elbow in the Leipzig player's back which makes him unbalanced in the air.

Surely his arm is in a natural position?!
A&H International
If he thinks it's not a foul on Grealish, then surely it must be simulation and therefore a caution....
I hate even thinking this, but looks massively like a homer referee here....
If he thinks it's not a foul on Grealish, then surely it must be simulation and therefore a caution....
I hate even thinking this, but looks massively like a homer referee here....
That was an awful dive by Grealish from the replay we've just seen. Embarrassing.
Poor from the ref as Grealish has done that to get him sent off
How on earth have they got those decisions so wrong...Nobody in the stadium saw a handball, there was NO Clear and Obvious error, did the ball actually hit the arm? , was the arm in an unnatural position?, why couldn't the Ref say No to the penalty after seeing it on the screen?

And the the foul by the keeper going the other way but VAR cant intervene and make him watch that back.

Cant wait for the half time show
For whatever reason, FIFA and UEFA want those given as handball. They don't care about the distance the ball travels, if your arm is out from your body and it is hit they want a handling offence given. We talk about no surprises, but that surprised everyone as absolutely nobody had seen any potential handling there.

I don't know what the referee saw, or didn't see, for the Ederson challenge. It's a clear foul and caution, he's come racing out, got absolutely nowhere near the ball and fouled the opponent. For City's second I don't think Haaland fouled the keeper, he just ran across the front of him and if anything the keeper kicked him, no complaints from the keeper.
And the massive gaff where Ederson races out, misses the ball, wipes out the attacker who has played the ball past him.. and yellow card for… Werner!

Awful. Red would be a stretch but it has to be yellow there for Ederson.
Awful from the ref. How has someone at this level made some of these decisions. Not a single city player appealed for handball. How he’s yellow carded the Leipzig player for the ederson challenge is absolutely beyond me. Grealish is a stonewall dive, why isnt he carding him.
I know it's 7 nil, and it's pointless playing more, but considering the headlines lately about added on time etc.... There has been 10 subs, 1 head injury at least, and 4 goals in the 2nd half and just 2 minutes added on.
Also he and the AR missed the clearest holding/SPA on KDB imaginable and the (correctly) booked KDB for dissent. I've watched almost all of KDBs games as a City fan and I've never seen him react like that, it really was a poor decision (but obviously that doesn't justify the dissent). The pen is a European pen all day but I hate how these decisions are made in the CL. Its just not intentional handball but I understand the European interpretation, just disagree with it.
I know it's 7 nil, and it's pointless playing more, but considering the headlines lately about added on time etc.... There has been 10 subs, 1 head injury at least, and 4 goals in the 2nd half and just 2 minutes added on.
Maybe they thought about Collinas new mercy rule
I know it's 7 nil, and it's pointless playing more, but considering the headlines lately about added on time etc.... There has been 10 subs, 1 head injury at least, and 4 goals in the 2nd half and just 2 minutes added on.

Call that common sense, what value is there to add more time on than there needs be. More so in Europe but some refs probably won't even add stoppage time on and blow right on minute 90.
Some absolutely disastrous interpretation of the handball law by uefa. Never been close to intentional and a total shock to 100% of those watching. Its instances like this where an appeal system would be so much better
Some absolutely disastrous interpretation of the handball law by uefa. Never been close to intentional and a total shock to 100% of those watching. Its instances like this where an appeal system would be so much better
As an advocate of the appeal system I'm not sure that an appeal system would work here if the referee still thinks it's handball.

Haven't seen the incident but just because you CAN appeal doesn't mean the referee is going to change his mind if his training says this is handball.

EDIT: I have been and seen a still and can see why it's a handball (not that I agree).

Think you can explain it in law, body unaturally bigger and taking a risk by having the hand/arm in that position.
Think you'll find that for a long time the powers that be have shown a dislike for arms and hands in this position and have actively legislated against to make it an offence.
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As an advocate of the appeal system I'm not sure that an appeal system would work here if the referee still thinks it's handball.

Haven't seen the incident but just because you CAN appeal doesn't mean the referee is going to change his mind if his training says this is handball.

EDIT: I have been and seen a still and can see why it's a handball (not that I agree).

Think you can explain it in law, body unaturally bigger and taking a risk by having the hand/arm in that position.
Think you'll find that for a long time the powers that be have shown a dislike for arms and hands in this position and have actively legislated against to make it an offence.

the top part is a fair point, if the ref gives it, because it does hit his arm (and his arm is 'out') could there ever be a system to overturn it? i'd like to think so because the decision is (quite simply) wrong IMO. you do need to see the video (it's on the BT sport highlights on youtube...) to see it for what it really is. it is not intentional handball. there is no 'making his body' bigger, he is not taking a risk, he's jumping in the air to head the ball and as he leans back his arms come out to keep his balance. as natural a position as you could wish to see.
grief just seen the ederson 'tackle' (which didn't make the highlights) and wow. absolutely wipes him out