Stepped approach


Level 5 Referee
How often do you end up dishing out a caution after the stepped approach? Am I doing something wrong and not using the process effectively or is it normal to be cautioning when warnings are ineffective?
A&H International
The whole point of it is to caution when warnings are ineffective - the caution becomes an easier sell for you by using the stepped approach, as you have given the offender every chance to behave and avoid the action.

In some instances, players will take the warnings on board and start to behave, others will simply carry on doing their thing and so, you must follow through and take necessary action.
Think about it as setting the player up for a fall. Some players just won't learn, but at least you can say you gave him the opportunity to mend his ways before resorting to a caution. No one can be surprised when you've previously publicly spoken to him.