Tongue boots


Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
Does anyone have any tricks on how to keep the tongue on your boots down? Mine seem to come off the Velcro after a little while running about during games (and sometimes during the warm up) and it’s very annoying.

A&H International
Does anyone have any tricks on how to keep the tongue on your boots down? Mine seem to come off the Velcro after a little while running about during games (and sometimes during the warm up) and it’s very annoying.

Yes. With a pair of scissors.
Does anyone have any tricks on how to keep the tongue on your boots down? Mine seem to come off the Velcro after a little while running about during games (and sometimes during the warm up) and it’s very annoying.

If they’re leather, boil the kettle and hold the tongue over the steam (be careful!!) , then fold them down and put a couple of clothes pegs on to hold in place. Leave overnight. Stay down all the time 👍🏻