Goalkeeper dissent

Jevon Swinscoe

Active Member
Level 5 Referee
Had a game on Saturday on Saturday and played 4 minutes of Injury time of which both benches were informed.

Played it and after blowing the final whistle one of the goalkeepers went mental saying I'd only played two minutes and he knew because he had a watch on under his gloves.

After him shouting loudly and pointing aggressively I showed him a yellow card and he carried on for a few minutes while walking off the pitch. I attempted to call him back and kept a safe distance because of him being irate and pulled out a second yellow where he then turned his back as I was issusing it, so claims he didn't see the cards.

I informed the team that he had been dismissed but he claims it doesn't count because didn't see it?
A&H International
Ha, that's a good effort!

Of course it counts! It's considered good practice not to show cards to people's backs (or while they're bent over etc.), but that's so the second yellow being followed by a red doesn't come as a surprise. But he can't avoid a card by closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears.
Ha, that's a good effort!

Of course it counts! It's considered good practice not to show cards to people's backs (or while they're bent over etc.), but that's so the second yellow being followed by a red doesn't come as a surprise. But he can't avoid a card by closing his eyes and sticking his fingers in his ears.
Second this.

I'd suggest any appeal will be met with bemusement.
Depends on the rules. They're not uniform.

I assumed this post was centred around the fact that he claims that the send off doesn't count.

That being said, the norm where I am is that 2nd yellows can't be appealed mainly because the one week suspension would be served anyway.
That is ridiculous but I hate those situations where someone throws a comment like that which takes you back and makes you doubt yourself.
I informed the team that he had been dismissed but he claims it doesn't count because didn't see it?
That's all it takes. The Card is a visual aid not the act of the caution.....

If they want to play that game - arrange for the caution to be cancelled and upgrade to an extra-ordinary report for the player. I am sure he would want to exchange a small fee and a 1 week ban for the heavier fine and a few more weeks off. ;)
many years ago (you may recall this @lincs22) I was reffing a game when one player punched another in such a violent way he broke his jaw in 3 places (ended up getting off ABH in court though).

I was pretty new to reffing and as I moved over to get his name and obviously send him off I decided not to show the red card (I should have done) as I didn't want to antagonise him and it was incredibly obvious he was being sent off.

the non-showing of the card was included in my written report to the CFA and the legitimacy of the red card wasn't questioned
What a plonker. Perhaps an additional report to the league about his unauthorised equipment (watch) would remind him to turn around in future.
Had a game on Saturday on Saturday and played 4 minutes of Injury time of which both benches were informed.

Played it and after blowing the final whistle one of the goalkeepers went mental saying I'd only played two minutes and he knew because he had a watch on under his gloves.

After him shouting loudly and pointing aggressively I showed him a yellow card and he carried on for a few minutes while walking off the pitch. I attempted to call him back and kept a safe distance because of him being irate and pulled out a second yellow where he then turned his back as I was issusing it, so claims he didn't see the cards.

I informed the team that he had been dismissed but he claims it doesn't count because didn't see it?
Lol!!! Nice try fella… If you had his name from the first card, I would have just called him by that and flashed the card as he turned round.
Alternatively, you could call over the captain the bring him to you.