The Ref Stop



New Member
Level 7 Referee
Good afternoon gents, I have been looking for a ref's forum for a while but this site seems pretty good.
Had a break for two seasons due to work commitments but now back into refereeing, didn't manage to get much done toward the end of this season as registered too late and kit supplier took too long, but I am now kitted up and ready to go, I have been a referee since a very young age of 15 and I must say I am feeling a bit nervous but raring to go at the same time. #backtoblack
The Ref Stop
Welcome to the rabble! Without wishing to blow the sites own horn, I would agree you've found a great forum! :D

Don't be afraid to ask anything, someone will always be able to help.

Enjoy the site

Meant to say don't forget to have a look in the shop if there's anything you may need :)
Welcome to the melting pot of refereeing discussion served with a side order of crazy sauce on a bed of factual and law based mixed salad!

Tried to make it sound exotic and exciting. Maybe it's too far?

:D good to have you aboard.