Dodgy Club Linesman

A&H International
I had a weird one too.

In one match the assistant manager gave an offside half way through the first half, (which never was offside) and I waved play on, shouting "Not offside, play on". For the remainder of the half he refused to flag for anything, just folded his arms. At half time I told the managers that I would continue the game with no Assistants unless both "assisted". Got the right reaction.
I had that happen last season with a sub in the line. Opposition scored twice (both I thought could have been offside, but no flag) before I realised what he was (not) doing. I went across and he said "your not listening to me anyway so I not putting the flag up anymore"

His coach heard that and he was replaced pronto!

Principles eh?
for reasons such as these, i appreciate the rule in my league which is that CARs only flag for ball in and out of play. often it's difficult enough for them to grasp that.
Same in Warrington. Really shocked me when I moved to a new region last year and all of a sudden I had CARs throwing flags up left right and centre!
I think in most Cheshire leagues the CARs just do in's and outs only, that is certainly my instruction to them, even more so on a Sunday morning when he is stood on the half way line with a fag hanging out of his mouth whilst looking the other way!!!!
guys there are no dodgy club asst as most of them tell you that they are referees, usually its I am a level4 ref what are you (being a 4 my self never seen this fellow at any meeting so I take it with a pinch of salt and usually just tell them thanks for that today can you just give me ball in/out of play sometime I let them have off sides but let them know that if I as reff do not agree just put the flag down and don't take the hump this in front of the skippers so they also know and this leaves you a small window to call the skipper in and calm some situations down some times it work's sometimes not
we all have our own ways of dealing with situations as long as it is correct
Yeah, pretty much a standard problem - some CARs are fine and honest but many are unsurprisingly swayed by either their teammates/manager or just are ignorant of the LOTG. They don't always pay attention to the game so aren't in good positions and when they do flag it's often half-hearted (flag slung over shoulder seems a fave) or questionable. On the other hand, I know most teams have low expectations and as long as it isn't blatant cheating I'm prepared to go with what I have.

I talk to the CARS with the captains at the toss, and reiterate the Law re: it not being an offence to be an offside position, so I want them to be playing/attempting to play the ball before a flag. I also say I want a late right flag rather than a wrong quick one...more so the captains know my expectations. I do overrule - a clear signal and voice 'thanks lino!' works pretty well - and have had people refuse to carry on. If it gets really stupid then I'll go and have a word, along the lines of 'you know why I overruled that, don't you?' and, if they refuse to flag for me I will say to the manager that it's up to them, but chances are I'm not going to be in a position to judge offside and I won't give it if there's any doubt.

Personally I long for the days when there are enough refs and funds for 3 assts at every game, but I'm not naive enough to hold my breath. What would be good is for training to be available for all clubs to have a qualified CAR - but that would only solve part of the problem I guess.
Worcestershire ran 3 courses for CARs last season and there was such a massive demand 1 was cancelled. I know a few who attended the Malvern one and they were amazed that they didn't have a clue about offside and how hard it is to see a flag when it's waved behind their head.
surely the headline 'CARS ate my hamster!' can't be far away on this site

i'll be reading next that the players don't always play by the laws of the game :confused:
surely the headline 'CARS ate my hamster!' can't be far away on this site

i'll be reading next that the players don't always play by the laws of the game :confused:

I misread that. I thought you'd said something REALLY stupid about the players KNOWING the laws of the game :p
Just what I'd have expected unfortunately Darren...but at least you ran them which means they had the opportunity!
A few times I have had trigger happy linesmen, and so at half time I have told them to stay in the same position on the field for the second half. It is amazing how the number of flags for offside reduces.