Referee Using Foul Language at a Youth Player


Active Member
So a U16 match...The players are complaining about fouls being called alot, etc to the CR and the CR is engaging with them quite a bit and then he tells one of the players "Just shut the F--- up punk." If you were AR, would you say anything to him at halftime or after the game? Would you say anything to anyone else afterward?
A&H International
So a U16 match...The players are complaining about fouls being called alot, etc to the CR and the CR is engaging with them quite a bit and then he tells one of the players "Just shut the F--- up punk." If you were AR, would you say anything to him at halftime or after the game? Would you say anything to anyone else afterward?

Absoiutely at half time the Ar should be raising this.

it could have been total spur of the moment, regardless, it would be very difficult for that referee to come back out for the second half.

As AR, my game with that referee on that day, in that place and time, is over.

The referee would hopefully escalate the matter themselves, if not, then the Ar has a duty to,

its not appropriate for a referee to use that language to a minor.

to be aware of it, and take no action, implicates the Ar also
What does that mean?
Are we talking about a properly qualified adult referee here or just a person roped in to refereeing a game of youth football?

If it's the former then he shouldn't be addressing youth players in that manner but if it's the latter, then rather than falling over yourself to be officious (I realise you're only a kid yourself) I'd just leave it.
I'm guessing the youth players themselves use similar language on the field when addressing each other .. 🙄
CR=Center Referee. The Center Referee was like a 40 year old man. These were pre season scrimmages in the boy's "arguably" 2nd highest league in the US. The top league is considered to be the MLS Next youth league. So this was not just a dad off the street corner refereeing this game.
CR=Center Referee. The Center Referee was like a 40 year old man. These were pre season scrimmages in the boy's "arguably" 2nd highest league in the US. The top league is considered to be the MLS Next youth league. So this was not just a dad off the street corner refereeing this game.

Fair enough.
In which case, this bloke is bound by the presumed etiquette expected of a qualified referee in accordance with the LOTG and should not be addressing players (of any age) in that way. If for no other reason than it means he can't discipline players for speaking to him in the same manner.
I'd remind him of this at half time but nothing else. It's his funeral. ...