The Ref Stop

Dropped Ball


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I had an experienced assistant of mine tell me after my match this weekend, that when I allow for a drop ball, it must touch another player ie the kicker can’t dribble it. He said I should have awarded an indirect free kick.

After reviewing LOTG all I can see is that ‘the ball is in play once it touches the ground’, which is what my understanding was.

Is the assistant right or got it wrong?
The Ref Stop
I had an experienced assistant of mine tell me after my match this weekend, that when I allow for a drop ball, it must touch another player ie the kicker can’t dribble it. He said I should have awarded an indirect free kick.

After reviewing LOTG all I can see is that ‘the ball is in play once it touches the ground’, which is what my understanding was.

Is the assistant right or got it wrong?
Think he is confused with the requirement for it to touch another player before entering the goal.
I had an experienced assistant of mine tell me after my match this weekend, that when I allow for a drop ball, it must touch another player ie the kicker can’t dribble it. He said I should have awarded an indirect free kick.

After reviewing LOTG all I can see is that ‘the ball is in play once it touches the ground’, which is what my understanding was.

Is the assistant right or got it wrong?

What I would do now, having been advised ( told) that the AR is wrong, is let the AR know this.

it will educate him and prevent him causing a problem in a future game

that aside, and not a dig at you, absolute waste of time AR saying this post match, if he ( bear in mind, wrongly) considers his version to be correct, why on earth is he standing watching you mess up! ( even tho the reality is you never)

double poor from AR
I had an experienced assistant of mine tell me after my match this weekend, that when I allow for a drop ball, it must touch another player ie the kicker can’t dribble it. He said I should have awarded an indirect free kick.
In addition to what others have said about him being wrong in regard to the player dribbling the ball, there's also no offence or sanction listed in Law 8 that results in an indirect free kick.

It seems as though he somehow thought that a dropped ball is like a dead ball restart taken by a player, where a double touch is not allowed, and is penalised with an IFK.