The Ref Stop

Preston v Sheffield United

The Ref Stop
Not a foul for me (attacker initiates the contact), but once you've given a foul for the pushing/pulling, I think it has to be DOGSO.
Disgusting challenge, could have killed the lad. 10 game ban, deduct 12 points.

I can't see if there is any contact with the legs, I'm certainly got giving it for any upper body contact. Once given though the expectation is always going to DOGSO, he's clean through on goal.
I was at the game, it was for pulling on the shirt. You can't see it in the highlights. I think it was only the third foul given in the game. No attempt made to play the ball can't really argue, just ashame more refs don't have the bottle to apply the law correctly in these situations. It may stop players from pulling at each others shirt.

The only thing that could be argued is that it wasn't a DOGSO, with it being Brewster.
Is the OP question whether the foul. Is a Dogso or whether it is a foul at all.
As Rusty says, once you give it, it's a very clear dogso.
If the foul was for holding then I think that came just after the last touch which seems to have gone straight to a defender!
Guys look again. He hauls him down by his shirt.
Madness by Hughes
Great spot by the team and 100% correct decision.
Dive. We established a couple of weeks ago that a shirt pull isn't necessarily a foul.

Seriously, the attacker hits the defender with his arm first.
Guys look again. He hauls him down by his shirt.
Madness by Hughes
Great spot by the team and 100% correct decision.

As ever, without saying its the vital sign, the defenders accept the pk, about as well as any team having a pk awarded agsinst them do.

the queries arise, again, naturally, when the red card is, correctly, produced.

If its been a dive, or the defender really feels hard done by here, I think we would see a greater reaction