The Ref Stop

Southampton Penalty


RefChat Addict
Level 6 Referee
Admittedly my mum's a Saints fan, but that's a clear foul by Walker, I would love to know why John Moss changed his mind.
The Ref Stop
Curiousity got better of me, I had a look.
Even trying to invent reasons why thats been overturned, am stuck.

ok old story a still does not tell the whole picture but after trying for a few mins, this is as close as I can pinpoint to Walker being anywhere near making a legal tackle.
At no point in the entire incident does Walker touch the ball, not only does he foul the Southampton player with the legs, he impedes him at the same time

please overlook the position of Southampton players hand, am sure thats not played a part in this c0ck up

Secs after the review, Walker gives a sly smile to a team mate, its not a, phew, justice is served smile, its a, how did I get away with that, smile.

Thoughts and prayers to any pub league ref not giving a pk and indeed red card for copy incident in their game today.


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Whatever... hardly a C&O error
Officials couldn't handle the repercussions of such a big decision against a top team. Others will disagree with that sentiment, but it's never (and never will be) any different IMO. Just human nature. No doubt I'd be the same in the same position
Whatever... hardly a C&O error
Officials couldn't handle the repercussions of such a big decision against a top team. Others will disagree with that sentiment, but it's never (and never will be) any different IMO. Just human nature. No doubt I'd be the same in the same position

Think your way off on both points tbh

It's not a foul once you've seen the replay
Am trying to see an attacking foul even if am in minority of 1, I can only see a defending foul.
Walkers right arm/shoulder knocks the attacker down before anything else
Am trying to see an attacking foul even if am in minority of 1, I can only see a defending foul.
Walkers right arm/shoulder knocks the attacker down before anything else

Not for me, there's not enough force in walker, or anyone, to knock a player down like that. Can't it just be no foul either way?
Think your way off on both points tbh

It's not a foul once you've seen the replay
I haven't seen it on MOTD or any decent replay yet. But I don't feel the need to. It's not a question of whether it's a FT or not. It's just inapropriate re-refereeing
I'm guessing they've used a review of the red card to contrive a review of the PK. Don't know if that's allowed but don't really care TBH
I haven't seen it on MOTD or any decent replay yet. But I don't feel the need to. It's not a question of whether it's a FT or not. It's just inapropriate re-refereeing
I'm guessing they've used a review of the red card to contrive a review of the PK. Don't know if that's allowed but don't really care TBH

How is it not appropriate if var thinks it's not a foul?
I haven't seen it on MOTD or any decent replay yet. But I don't feel the need to. It's not a question of whether it's a FT or not. It's just inapropriate re-refereeing
I'm guessing they've used a review of the red card to contrive a review of the PK. Don't know if that's allowed but don't really care TBH

Same, as another poster says first view ( the one chance us plebs get), its a pk and a red
What we see yesterday has nothing to do with our game this morning
Because if they re-referee that, the light touch is out the winda and they're re-refereeing to suit themselves whenever they feel like it. It's just too unclear
Don't agree, clearly...Will leave it there as I best make a move for my 10am kick off!
For example, whilst Atkinson incorrectly thought Murphy gave away a PK against West Ham... I Didn't expect a review because I thought we'd supposed to have moved away from re-reffing. Well we have... unless it's 'big potatoes' in town
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I'm a City fan but I don't think this meets the C&O threshold to be honest. Think we've got away with one there.

I agree with the point about bigger teams getting the decisions. It's less so now with VAR but when I was growing up and City were rubbish, we often got the rough end when up against the big clubs. Utd always seemed to get the close decisions and that was backed up when I've heard ex refs talking about giving decisions against Utd & Ferguson etc. They don't do it on purpose, I think theres alot more that comes with giving close calls to the big teams (especially pre VAR) and that can unwillingly sway 50/50 decisions in human beings.
I'm a City fan but I don't think this meets the C&O threshold to be honest. Think we've got away with one there.

I agree with the point about bigger teams getting the decisions. It's less so now with VAR but when I was growing up and City were rubbish, we often got the rough end when up against the big clubs. Utd always seemed to get the close decisions and that was backed up when I've heard ex refs talking about giving decisions against Utd & Ferguson etc. They don't do it on purpose, I think theres alot more that comes with giving close calls to the big teams (especially pre VAR) and that can unwillingly sway 50/50 decisions in human beings.

imo not the case
the bigger better teams have better players, they are fouled more ( by inferior opponents, either on purpose or by accident)
they are in the opponents half and pen area more, thus more attacking free kicks/pens
they are stronger, fitter, more skillful, and, granted, a degree of, cleverer.

i have taken part in games with 60,000, 50,000 home fans, v smaller teams. Hand on heart I experienced nothing favourable to the bigger teams.
What you do see is the defensive goal kick/corner kick situation, which just happens to go to the home team, and the small team get aggrived.
no different to the defensive decision all of us with common sense give, in all our games.

What I can state is, unwritten advise that if you are giving say a pk to the smaller team, at the home teams place, make it 110%, not 100%.
same goes for giving out a red to the bigger team.
I haven't seen it on MOTD or any decent replay yet. But I don't feel the need to. It's not a question of whether it's a FT or not. It's just inapropriate re-refereeing
I'm guessing they've used a review of the red card to contrive a review of the PK. Don't know if that's allowed but don't really care TBH
This is a very interesting point because I don't think the decision to award a "foul" itself was a clear and obvious error; however, the decision to send off Walker was a clear and obvious error because Walker attempted to play the ball. If Moss gave a penalty kick and yellow card on the field, there probably wouldn't have been a review.
Ignoring the VAR protocol, I don't see this as a foul. City player has taken position and Southampton player seems to have lunged. If anything, foul goes the other way.

However, if it was a foul, I don't think it can go down as an attempt to play the ball...
This is re-refereeing the game and made even more of a farce because of this year’s invention that the threshold for awarding a PK is higher than a normal offence.

That said I think no pen is the right call here. It’s a foul by the attacker for me on replay. Not enough arm before that for a pen. I can understand the on-field call so amazingly I agree with the VAR decision and process in this one.

I would still ditch VAR and live with the consequences tho!
imo not the case
the bigger better teams have better players, they are fouled more ( by inferior opponents, either on purpose or by accident)
they are in the opponents half and pen area more, thus more attacking free kicks/pens
they are stronger, fitter, more skillful, and, granted, a degree of, cleverer.

i have taken part in games with 60,000, 50,000 home fans, v smaller teams. Hand on heart I experienced nothing favourable to the bigger teams.
What you do see is the defensive goal kick/corner kick situation, which just happens to go to the home team, and the small team get aggrived.
no different to the defensive decision all of us with common sense give, in all our games.

What I can state is, unwritten advise that if you are giving say a pk to the smaller team, at the home teams place, make it 110%, not 100%.
same goes for giving out a red to the bigger team.

I'm not saying that refs deliberately award more to the bigger teams, definitely not. Just that there are bigger consequences to getting it wrong when a decision goes against the biggest teams and that must have some sway subconsciously. Even had an ex PL ref tell us that and it's in plenty of books...