CHE V LEI - Penalty Appeal


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
Decision goes against Werner.

From my POV, Werner gets kicked and it should be a penalty.

What do you reckon?

(Liverpool fan btw)
A&H International
Granted I am a life long Chelsea fan, but just how Mike Dean adjudges Tielemans kicking Werner in the back of the leg was a Leicester defensive free kick was baffling! :eek:
Granted I am a life long Chelsea fan, but just how Mike Dean adjudges Tielemans kicking Werner in the back of the leg was a Leicester defensive free kick was baffling! :eek:
My girlfriend just pointed out that the defensive FK could be for diving because the contact may not have been enough to bring him down in the eyes of MD. But then you’d think Werner would be booked for simulation? Strange one...
Strangely long delay for the GLT to kick in.

Mike Dean pointing to his watch when it's not even indicated on there?
Strangely long delay for the GLT to kick in.

Mike Dean pointing to his watch when it's not even indicated on there?
It was a long delay... VAR did it’s job afterwards though! That’s where it comes in very handy!
It did light up eventually.

Not that it mattered as he’s punched it.
Woooooow that's an absolute clear as day pen. What on earth has gone on there to not give it?!

I'm absolutely astounded that's not been given live let alone with var
My girlfriend just pointed out that the defensive FK could be for diving because the contact may not have been enough to bring him down in the eyes of MD. But then you’d think Werner would be booked for simulation? Strange one...
Nope. Diving does is not a foul--it is misconduct. Only way to have a FK for a dive is if a card is given.
Not much difference between the challenges on Werner, one bafflingly given as a defensive free kick and the other a penalty after VAR confirmed it was in fact inside the penalty area!

Always been a big fan of Mike Dean and no doubt he has done exceptionally well to stay at the top for so long, but sadly it's not been his best season.
Not much difference between the challenges on Werner, one bafflingly given as a defensive free kick and the other a penalty after VAR confirmed it was in fact inside the penalty area!

Always been a big fan of Mike Dean and no doubt he has done exceptionally well to stay at the top for so long, but sadly it's not been his best season.
Doesn't help being given 2 games in less than 48 hours. Should've been dropped after his error in law at the weekend.
Doesn't help being given 2 games in less than 48 hours. Should've been dropped after his error in law at the weekend.

Absolutely ridiculas planning there, players/managers complain when they have 2 games in 48 hours but for a referee who is in his 50s, it's verging on scandalous.

That said how on earth did VAR not clear up Dean's clear and obvious error for the penalty appeal, just totally baffling and one which did not fortunately cost Chelsea the match.
Decision goes against Werner.

From my POV, Werner gets kicked and it should be a penalty.

What do you reckon?

(Liverpool fan btw)
Contact was trivial to say the least. Werner throws himself to the floor and should be booked for simulation. Giving Leicester a free kick without cautioning Werner is baffling.
Doesn't help being given 2 games in less than 48 hours. Should've been dropped after his error in law at the weekend.

Plus, and I hate to say this, but Mike Dean turns 53 years old next month. I'm in my mid-40s and I know how I feel working high school or small college centers a couple of days apart. I get he's passing the FIFA fitness test to be a SG1 referee, but Father Time is going to be a hell of an opponent trying to recover in that time frame to work Premier League matches.
Plus, and I hate to say this, but Mike Dean turns 53 years old next month. I'm in my mid-40s and I know how I feel working high school or small college centers a couple of days apart. I get he's passing the FIFA fitness test to be a SG1 referee, but Father Time is going to be a hell of an opponent trying to recover in that time frame to work Premier League matches.
I see your point but, and don't take this the wrong way, Mike Dean is probably considerably fitter then you or I. He has specialist training programs, sports scientists etc etc. They're not like you or I left to our own devices. Mike will have been set a recovery session for yesterday and probably told what to eat as well to aid recovery.
Agree this gets more difficult with agex but when your full Time Job is fitness 2 games in 48 should be manageable.
I see your point but, and don't take this the wrong way, Mike Dean is probably considerably fitter then you or I. He has specialist training programs, sports scientists etc etc. They're not like you or I left to our own devices. Mike will have been set a recovery session for yesterday and probably told what to eat as well to aid recovery.
Agree this gets more difficult with agex but when your full Time Job is fitness 2 games in 48 should be manageable.
But as others have pointed out, managers regularly go on massive rants to the press whenever they're asked to get their 20-30 year old players to play 2 matches in 3 days. Managers of teams that probably have even better sports scientists and dieticians than MD has access to. At least with players there's often a reason of games having to be played, but there's literally zero reason other than stupid incompetence to send MD out onto the field again that soon after - swap him with the VAR or 4th if you really can't find anyone else.
FWIW I think MD gave it against Werner as he did not clearly play the ball. Yes he gets kicked in that action yet sticking a foot out that does not play the ball in front of an opponent can be akin to tripping. If the Leicester player was dribbling it out with multiple touches and a Chelsea player sticks his foot in before one of those touches without playing the ball it would be a nailed on trip. I would say that VAR clearly seen no contact on the ball by Werner therefore no obvious error. Had Werner clearly played the ball it would have been a penalty. That's how I saw it.
In the Bournemouth v Brentford game there was a penalty shout that was not given which in my opinion should have been. No VAR. The attacker gets to the ball first and plays it and gets kicked in the process. 1.15 on the attached video
Did that brawl only have 1 yellow? To a sub?! Nothing for Ricardo or rudiger at all?!
Just came here to ask this. I never watched it but just seen the clip on twitter. I thought it was supposed to be a yellow each side for something like this
Just came here to ask this. I never watched it but just seen the clip on twitter. I thought it was supposed to be a yellow each side for something like this
View attachment 4961

oh good, at least ricardo got booked, he deserved it (at least) but clearly got lost at the time

still needed a booking for rudiger for causing the confrontation in the first place